Part 10

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Minho and Thomas carried Newt while Gally and I took the lead, weapons ready for attack. I had taken Newt's since he wasn't really in the shape to use it. A massive explosion to my right made me jolt to a stop. It wasn't near us, but rather down by the wall. It looked like the wall had been blown up, but I wasn't certain why. It hadn't been any part of the plan since it could cost so many lives.

"We're supposed to take down Wicked, not the whole damn city," Gally said disapprovingly.

"Your men did that?" I asked, not expecting an answer. I was shocked that they even had the fire power to do it, although I probably shouldn't have been. The look on Gally's face was almost sad like he hated to see it go down this way, so I nudged him gently. "Come on. We have to keep going."

I ran the other way with the others following behind me in the direction of the tunnels we'd entered from once before. "The tunnels are right up ahead-. Shit!" I stopped quickly, ducking behind the large concrete block of plants. On the other side of it was a swarm of guards. "Stay low!" Thomas set Newt down next to Gally and rounded the corner to peek out. I hissed his name, scared he might be seen.

A car pulled up and he cursed, ducking back into hiding. The guard from the vehicle yelled, "Get ready!" They cocked their weapons, all of them prepared to fight. I couldn't see what they were trying to fight, but I knew that for the moment, it wasn't us. They didn't know we were here.

Gally cursed as he backed away from the edge, and I knew he didn't have a clue as to what we were going to do now. Unless they moved, we were stuck here. There were too many of them to take down, but not enough that we would blend in if we moved.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked. A bus exploded across the street, but it didn't come from Wicked. Another explosion was mixed with the shouts and hollers of a riot of Lawrence's people running down the street towards Wicked. They all shot at each other while we hid behind the plants.

Thomas pushed me down to the ground, his body half on top of mine. "Stay down, stay down!" The others fell like dominos, all of us lying down to avoid any gunfire. There were so many explosions and fires and bullets being shot that I felt like everything was going too fast but so slow all at once. "We gotta go." Thomas and Minho picked up Newt again while Gally and I followed behind them. I checked over my shoulder as we ran to the nearest alleyway, hoping everyone would be too distracted to notice us. Thankfully that seemed to be the case.

There's a moment when a spiders eggs suddenly hatch and all the babies come crawling out of the sac. There's hundreds of them and they just keep coming. That's what the fight looked like with more and more people running in to join, crowding the streets and coming in from all directions.

Thomas pulled his walkie out as we pulled Newt into the building. "Brenda, are you there?"

"Thomas, I'm here." The glass shattered inwards when something exploded close to the building, and we all ducked to the ground.

"Shit, you okay?" Minho asked, and I nodded, forcing myself to sit up against the wall. I had some scrapes from the glass, but there was nothing life-threatening.

"We're not gunna make it," Thomas said to Brenda.

"Wait, what are you talking about? Where's Y/N? Did you get Minho?"

"Y/N's fine, Minho's fine. Just take the others and get everybody out while you still can."


Thomas exhaled in frustration. "Brenda."

"I'm not leaving you guys. Okay? So forget it."

"Even though you should?" She didn't answer him, and I pushed Newt's hair back from his sweaty forehead. He wasn't looking too good.

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