Part 2

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Our camp was just on the edge of a manmade lake between the mountains that released into the ocean. There were ships half sunken in it, but it only further added to our disguise. I stayed behind as the others kept going, leaning against a wall as I watched Vince corral the kids to talk to them. He gave them the normal speech about Wicked and having to keep fighting. Thomas stepped beside me with a small smile. His shirt was a light blue and he wore the patented Runner chest gear. He'd had to loosen it quite a bit from all the muscle he'd gained from our trips, but I certainly didn't mind.

We'd done a lot to help people on the search for Minho. Our camp was nearly triple the size of the one we'd come into before Wicked destroyed it. Countless kids came here before getting shipped off to the Safe Haven. We, of course, couldn't go yet. We had unfinished business.

"How's your hand?" Thomas asked.

I clenched and released my fist, rolling my fingers around. It was definitely sore, but I didn't think I broke anything. "It's alright."

"You should go to med-jacks. Get it cleaned."

"I'm fine, Thomas. Really." I sighed, listening to Vince speak for a short time. The large ship behind him was going to be our way to get to the Haven one we fixed it up. We'd lost the other one on the way back from it last time. Hopefully this one would last a little longer. Turning my back to the wall, I crossed my arms, looking down while Thomas leaned against the wall with one hand. "Listen, I'm sorry I freaked out. I just really expected to see Minho in there."

"It's alright. I gave you the wrong car. You have every right to be mad."

"I'm not mad." I tucked my pointer fingers into the lining of his jeans, pulling him just a little closer as I frowned. "We'll just have to find another way."

"If it's there, we'll find it."

"I know. Come here, you big dope." He smiled at me, leaning down while I pulled him closer by his jeans. I stepped lightly onto my toes, meeting him halfway in a slow kiss. His tongue ventured out, feeling for mine. He'd come so accustomed to kissing me that he knew every place in my mouth like it was his own, but he still made me feel like I was floating.

Gently, his rough hand rubbed my cheek as he massaged my lips with his. "You tired, baby?"

"Surprisingly, no," I hummed.

"Come with me. Let me look at your leg." He took my hand, pulling me with him into his room. I suppose it was technically ours since I never really slept in mine, but it didn't matter. I sat on the edge of the bed as he shut the door.

Thomas unbuckled his chest holster and set it down on the chair before standing in front of me, and I removed my thigh holster, tossing it to the side. Leaning down, he kissed me while his fingers worked as the button on my pants. He eased my pants down my legs slowly, letting his finger trail over my skin and cause goosebumps to rise.

Kneeling on his knees, he took off my boots before removing my pants. I twisted my leg so we could both see the scar. Not all of the bite had turned into a scar, so it was only a partial print, but there was no evidence whatsoever of the Flare. Yet.

"How are you feeling?" Thomas asked, setting a soft kiss to the scarred skin.

"Thomas, stop asking. When I Crank out, you'll be the first to know."



Thomas smiled at me softly, his eyes shining bright as he pressed tender kisses on my leg. He trailed his lips up my leg, his hands sliding up my outer thighs to hook into the sides of my underwear. The kiss he left on my inner thigh was just a tease and he passed to my stomach, kissing just below my bellybutton as he pulled my panties down my legs.

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