Part 8

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I walked on one side of Teresa while Thomas was on the other. To anyone else, it looked like we were escorting her, but we were really forcing her to do what we wanted. The large Wicked gun in my hands kept her from straying or talking to anyone for help. I tried to walk like I belonged, keeping my head up confidently and my strides long enough to keep up with them.

We walked into the building and Teresa looked at the guards lining the entry. "Don't stop," Thomas ordered quietly. The scanners that looked like large metal detectors stood in front of us and I tensed as I walked through, hoping with all I had that we wouldn't set them off.

My heart pounded as I went through, but the scanner turned green instead of red so I released a small sigh of relief. The masks over our faces hid us from anybody who was looking, but because we were walking with Teresa, it attracted a lot of stares.

I thought to myself, "Be cool, Y/N. No one knows." I stopped when Newt walked up in his red uniform, his own face covered, and he jerked his head to the left. I followed him as Teresa rolled her eyes. I wondered if she thought she'd been saved. No one had told her the plan.

One descended flight of stairs later, I was walking down the hall next to the parking garage. Gally eased in front of us at the first open door, and I glanced around nervously. Someone was bound to get suspicious of the four guards with Teresa.

There was a door at the end of the hallway and Teresa rolled her eyes again as Gally forced her to open it with her thumbprint. I went in cautiously, my gun raised and ready to shoot anything that happened to be in the stairwell. This one was hardly used, mostly acting as an emergency one, so it was safer for us to use this instead of the elevator.

"Hold on," Gally said as we started down the stairs. He stopped by an electrical box on the wall, lifting his mask. "I can get in here."

"Throw me the walkie," Thomas said to him. Gally tossed the walkie-talkie down after Thomas pushed his mask up. "Stay here." Thomas ran down the steps to check the doors while I waited with Newt and Teresa. Gally began the task of drilling his way into the box while Newt coughed wetly.

I rubbed his back comfortingly when he turned away from a staring Teresa. "Hold on, okay?" He nodded, leaning against the rails for support.

Thomas ran back up the steps a moment later, saying into the walkie, "Frypan, we're in. How you doing?"

"Yeah, I'm getting there," he replied. I thought Fry had one of he best jobs in this plan, though I didn't envy it. He had to climb up to the top of a construction crane in order to help Brenda with her part. It was a long way up and no doubt would take a while. "Tell Minho hi for me."

"Hang in there, buddy."

Gally pried open the box to reveal multicolored wiring and one thick wire near the back that looked like it was glowing. "This will work," he decided.

"Brenda," Thomas said. "What's your status?"

"Status is I'm working on it," she sassed back.

Thomas looked at me and pursed his lips. "Copy. Just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry. You know I'm gunna be there."

Gally plugged some wires into his device and stuck it on the inside of the box's door before closing it. If it worked, it would allow Lawrence's men to hack into Wicked's system. "Alright. Let's go." We all replaced our masks, and I pat Newt's back gently before running down the stairs. We would only have a certain amount of time before they realized their system was glitching.

I held the door open for everyone to run through after peeking to make sure the coast was clear. Gally led us down the hall, but we didn't run. We kept up a quick steady walk as not to alert anyone who happened to see us.

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