Chapter Two

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      Following the old woman down the sidewalk, I noticed the the town's people giving me glares. They were acting really weird, lifting their noses to the air as I passed by, as if they were picking up my scent. I resisted glaring back, for I don't want to make a bad first impression. They already hate me as it is, so I don't need any more negative feelings towards me. At least I have a friend to help me out.

     I realize that I don't know her name, and I can't just call her "old woman", so I decide to ask.

     "Um... I didn't catch your name," I say shyly. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I'm actually very bashful.

     "Oh! Yes! My name is Rosemarie," she turns around with speed to advanced for someone of her age, holds out her wrinkled hand, and gives me a warm smile. I'm surprised that she is being so kind to me when all the other folks are angry at my presence. Why, I wonder? What did I do? By, crossing the border into this strange town, did I mess up some ancient rule. I push the thought away, promising that I would figure it out later, and I slap my hand gently against Rosemarie's.

     "I'm Danielle," I smile back. She doesn't let go of my hand, but hangs on to it as she leads me by a glass window. I catch a glimpse of my reflection on the thin glass. Fair skin, a splash of freckles across the bridge of my nose, shoulder length wavy black hair, blue eyes, and a short frame make up me. Nothing special. I sigh and move on.

     Rosemarie is now leading me up an inviting brick pathway towards a turquoise colored house. A sign on the house calls the Inn Misty Woods, and I feel a little bit apprehensive about walking into this place. I mean, who would call it that? It sounds so ominous and creepy, but I trust the Inn keeper. She seems nice enough, and her kind face is hard to turn away from. I shake off my mixed feeling and follow her through the door.

     The inside of the Inn is very cozy, and I instantly feel at home. She takes me to the front counter and pulls out a drawer. Inside, from where I stand, I can see lots of keys. I guess that they all go to different rooms.

    "Hmmm.... Let me see," she mumbles as she rummages through the drawer," Ahh, here we are!"

    She pulls out the key and looks up at me, "Room number twelve. It's my my best one!"

    "Oh, you didn't have to do that! I would be fine with any room."

    "Come on, I'll show you where it is, and then I'll bring you some ice for that head," she smiles, again, and leads me down a lighted hallway to a locked door. After unlocking the door, she immediately goes the other direction to get me ice.

     I inspect the room, impressed at the homey feel it emanates. The bed is big and covered with a white goose feather comforter with matching pillows, a wooden desk, a small closet, and a bathroom. It has a few pictures, but, other than that, the light green walls are bare. My head is still throbbing, and the bed looks so inviting.

    I swing the pink backpack off my shoulder and onto the floor along with my other one. I don't even bother to take off my shoes because I'm too lazy. I fall onto the bed, face first, as Rosemarie comes in with a bag of ice.

     "Okay, here you go. Now, honey, breakfast is in the morning. Feel free to come in to the kitchen whenever," she puts the ice on my head and continues to lay down the law," Dinner is in a few hours, also, if you clog the toilet..."

    I tune her out after "toilet". I'm so tired. My head feels a little bit better, I think the ice is helping, but I decide I'm going to skip dinner. I close my eyes, sinking into the soft bed, and release a big sigh. Sleep... Is... Good...

Hey guys!  I'm super excited about this chapter! She is SO close to meeting.... Well, I can't say, but I really want to! Ahhhhhh! Okay, chill. Deep breaths. Woooo. No spoilers, sorry, but you know I love you guys!




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