Chapter Twenty-eight

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I shriek and scramble to cover my bare body with the sheets. Bash sits up, obscuring me from who ever barged in so rudely. He's practically almost sitting on my legs, so I have a close up view of the beautifully depressing tattoo on his muscular back. I blush and look away quickly, remembering that we're both naked.

"Hey- Oh! Um, guys.... I just wanted to let you know that breakfast is ready..." I can here the awkwardness in Trinity's voice. I blush and hide my face against Bash's bare back.

"We'll be right down Trin. Thank you." After I here the door close, I grown and throw myself back down against the bed. Bash chuckles and lays next to me with his forehead pressed against mine.

"Do we have to go?"

"I wish we didn't have to. As much as I want to..." he places his lips against the mark on my collarbone, gaining a soft moan from me, " kiss you all day, we have something important that we have to do."

I raise my eyebrow. He hardly ever has anything time consuming during the day. "And that would be?"

"Training of course." He says it like it's obvious.


"Now that you're a full werewolf, you need to learn about your kind and what you can do."

He sits up, not waiting for my response, and casually throws  the blankets off of himself. I shouldn't be embarrassed. We are fully mated after all, but my cheeks flame red defiantly at the sight of his naked body. He just smirks. After putting on pants, he comes out of his closet and throws one of his shirts at me, along with underwear. I look at him suspiciously. He shrugs.

"I figured you'd want to sleep in the same bed with me, so I decided that your clothes belong in my closet, not the one you were using. I brought all of your other stuff in here because this is our room now."

"Even my paint supplies?" I ask while slipping on the clothes he threw at me. I kinda wish he gave me sweats or something, but, by now, I'm used to only getting a shirt. Also, none of his pants fit me. I'm almost a full foot shorter than him, and he's so...muscly. And hot, not that that matters.

Anyways, he laughs at my worried sweep around the room. Those paints are super expensive, and my mom gave them to me for the last birthday she actually showed up too. Let's just say, they're important to me.

He points to the plain wooden desk against the wall. "They're right here Danni. Calm down."

I sigh in relief and stand up, stretching my arms up towards the ceiling. I remember that I don't have pants on. Well, I guess Bash just got a show of my polka dot underwear. I blush, immediately putting my arms down and straightening out the shirt. This is so awkward.

"Sorry," I say. I feel him come up behind me and place his hands on my hips. I'm pulled backwards against his hard chest. He puts his lips behind my ear and whispers against my skin.

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before. You're beautiful... and mine."

I shiver at his words. He smiles and backs away slowly, grabbing my hand. I miss his warmth already.

I barely manage to spin away from my opponent's punch. Sweat drips down my forehead as I concentrate on where her next blow will hit. I can see her right arm twitch, and I know she'll go for me with that one. She raises her arm with werewolf speed, and I go to grab her wrist, as a way to block the punch. Apparently, she can read minds or something because she sees this coming. Using my own momentum against me, she flips me on my back in one swift movement. All the air rushes out of my lungs when my back hits the mat.

I cringe at the sudden pain. My body hurts all over, I have sweat in places I'd rather not talk about, I'm hungry, and exhausted. We've been training all freaking day for Gods sake! A girl needs a break! Surprisingly, I'm pretty good at hand to hand combat, though I get beaten more than I win. So far, I'm up 20 to 37 matches, which is pretty good to me. But no, I have to be "ready" for Genevieve. Well, now I don't think I can get up.

"You okay?" My opponent asks. I inwardly groan.

I am most certainly not okay, but I want to prove to Bash that I can take care of myself. He obviously thinks I'm weak with all this training I've done today. And this is only the first day! I'm literally going to die.

I don't want that girl to think I'm done, so I stand up. Well, try anyways. My muscles protest at my movement, and I fall back down with an audible oomph. The girl gives me a sympathetic look before turning away towards the guards stationed at the training room doors. For my safety I guess.

"Call the Alpha in. I think the Luna's had enough for today," she demands.

The girl turns back to me, "You don't look so good."

"You think?" I say sarcastically. For some reason when I get tired I turn into a monster.

"I'm sorry," I apologize to her.

She shrugs, "It's fine Luna. I've heard worse.

I smile a little just as the doors open. Bash steps in and looks around. When he sees me on the ground, he rushes to my side. I'm kind of mad at him, so I turn my head away. He scoops me up in his arms and nods in thanks to my trainer. I groan in annoyance at the sparks that crawl up my body when our skin touches. Bash raises an eyebrow at me, but ignores it.

"I had Trinity whip up a batch of chicken noodle soup to help sooth your sore muscles."

Chicken noodle sounds good, but I'm still fuming. "You knew I was going to be sore?"

"Not like this, but I had a hunch-"

I cut him off, "You think I'm weak! I thought I was supposed to be training to become a true werewolf not an MMA fighter! I can take care of myself for gods sake, and I don't need to learn how to throw a goddamned punch!"

Bash stops walking in the middle of a stride, me still in his arms. I cringe at my harsh words, but hold my chin up high to show that I meant what I said. He sets me down on my feet, and I sway unsteadily until he puts his hands on my shoulders.

"You are the strongest woman I've ever met and I could never call you weak. I know better than that," his mouth lifts up in a half smile as he continues, "I'm only training you this hard because I know that you can handle it. It might also be because of my own insecurities. I love you Danielle, and you are my mate. It's only natural for me to want you to be safe at all times."

His words sink in a little, but what can I say? I'm a stubborn girl. "When do I get to train as a wolf?"

He chuckles, "Since you've proven yourself, I'll say... how about when your rested enough from today's session?"

"I'll take that."

Satisfied, I let him pick me up again an carry my sore body the rest of the way to the living room.

Hey guys! Omg I'm SO sorry for how long it's been. My life has been hectic, and I got a major case of writers block for all of my books. I hope you can forgive me, because I figured out how I want this book to end. You're in store for a great tale! That was weird. Anyways, I need sleep. Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2015 ⏰

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