Chapter Seven

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What! No way! I can't let you buy the car!" I say with wide eyes. That thing was probably from the 1980's, and a car that old is bound to be expensive. On the other hand, I'm a little afraid to go back to the Inn without Rosemarie's Beetle. She was apprehensive about me driving during the storm in the first place, so I have a feeling that she won't be happy to see me....

     Oh God, Rosemarie. She's probably wondering where I've gotten to. I've got to call her or something.

     "You can't argue. I caused this, and we have money. It's no big deal!" Trinity smiles at me with Abbi in her arms, who is nodding as if she knows what we're talking about.

    "Um... I need to us your phone, and can I get a ride to the Inn? I was borrowing the Inn keeper's car and-"

    Sebastian cuts me off," Its already been taken care of. I called Rosemarie, and she says you need to rest. So, we're holding you captive 'till the morning."

     He winks at me. I roll my eyes at him.

    "Wait... how do you know Rosemarie?" I ask, suspicious of him. He looks taken a back for a second, as if he doesn't know how to answer, but he regains himself.

    "It's a small town, and she's a family friend. Also, Jonathan is her son."

     "Oh..." I defiantly wasn't expecting that one,"Well, I think I'm feeling alright. I need to get back and talk to the Inn keeper." I throw the blankets off of my legs and swing them over the side of the bed, preparing for the massive headache that I'm most likely going to experience.

    "No, you're not," Sebastian says while pushing me gently down, "I won't allow it. You need to rest, and Rosemarie agrees, so get some sleep."

     Suddenly, my eyes feel heavy, and I get the urge to sleep. I didn't feel this way before, like my whole body is being weighed down with chains, so I guess Sebastian has a way with words. Maybe his suggestion just made me realize how tired I actually am. After all, I've had an exceptionally odd day.

     "Fine, but I'm leaving in the morning, and you can't stop me," I cross my arms and give him a stern look, showing him that I mean business. He just chuckles and pats my leg, almost awkwardly. Then he pulls the blankets over my body.

      "I don't doubt that," he gets up from his place on the bed and walks out the door, glancing at me before he leaves. Trinity hikes Abbi higher up on her hip, smiles at me, and leaves, too.

     Just after she steps into the hall and closes the door I hear her say," Lets feed you before the moon rises, shall we? Promise you'll be snoring logs by then?"

     "Yes! Snoring logs!" The little girl whisper-shouts. These people are a little weird, aren't they?

     Oh well, I think before closing my eyes, finally giving into the weight of the day.

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