Chapter Fourteen

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Sebastian's POV

I was eating dinner when I knew something was wrong. There's a drop in my stomach and fear settles in. I've never experienced anything like this before, but I know Danielle is in trouble. A flash of light crosses my eyes and the next thing I know I'm seeing and feeling what she sees and feels.

They're everywhere, those hungry yellow eyes. I can't escape their glares. I know I should leave and warn the other people at the Inn, but I'm paralyzed with fear. I didn't know wolves could get this close to civilization. They can't, can they? Something's off about these wolves. They're way to big to be normal wolves, and they aren't acting like you'd think animals would act. I know that most animals wouldn't dare get close to humans. They're scared of us... but these wolves seem to want something. What could that be? Why are they outside?

As the animals get closer, the light from my room illuminates their bared sharp, white teeth. I hear growling and snarling through the tightly shut window, but I still can't move. My feet are glued in place, and I just stare horrified out the window. That's when it hits me.

The wolves... They want me. And if they want me, there's no telling what they'll do to get to me.

At this point, I'm freaking out.

"Oh shit, Oh my God!"

The first wolf that appeared, the one that I assume is the leader of the pack, creeps fully into the light from my room that casts an erie glow on its silver fur. I hold my breath, my heart pounding in my chest, anticipating what comes next. Before my fearful eyes, the giant wolf leaps through the window and shatteres the glass.

The connection is broken, and I pound my fist on the table, a growl ripping through my throat. My vision goes blurry with fiery anger at the werewolves who are trying to hurt my human mate.

"What is it? What's wrong?" Trinity, my younger sister, asks, holding a very scared little girl in her lap. Normally, I would've felt terrible for scaring Abigail, but right know my wolf is to panicked and angry to care.

"Danielle," I manage to choke out a response through my clenched teeth. Balling my fists, I sway out of the dining room to get my beta, Jonathan. I find him in living room, watching t.v.

"Call the pack together. Danielle's in trouble. Genevieve found her." My breathing is rapid and scratchy.

Jon's smile immediately drops from his face as he leaps off the couch and out the room. I sit down and put my head in my hands, trying to compose myself. Trin was right, I shouldn't have let her go. Being the strongest pack on the western slope, I should've realized that other packs would want to get to me through her. I guess I was blinded by the unusual situation and excitement of finally finding my mate, even if she is human. I've only heard legends about werewolves being mated with humans. It just never happenes, but it's happening to us. I didn't want Danielle to find out about werewolves this way, with her being in danger, but if it comes to her safety or our exposer, I'll chose her safety. I mean, she's going have to find out sometime, right? Why not now? I breath a deep breath and stand up, ready to face Genevieve.

The whole pack is gathered outside, excluding some of the woman and children, in the freezing night air. Most of them have confused looks on their faces, and I don't blame them. I haven't told them about my mate yet, so this should be a surprise to everyone. I hope to make the announcement quick so that we can get to Danielle before it's to late.

"I have news. I know it's late, but this is very urgent," I start out. Curious murmurs travel through the small crowd.

"My mate is in trouble. Many of you are familiar with Genevieve Knight, and I assure, it won't be an easy task getting her back from the evil woman. In advance, I'd like to warn you that Danielle is human," gasps break out over my voice," and she doesn't know about us. Please, do what ever it takes to get her back, even if it means exposing yourselves to her. I will be right beside every one of you, and I hope this fight won't succumb to bloodshed, but Danielle's safety is very important to me, to all of us, and we can't have a Luna without her."

People are nodding their heads in agreement and many have determined glints in their eyes. My pack will help me succeed, I'm sure of it. By day break, Danielle should be safe once again.

Danielle's POV

The wolves come pouring in, one after another, until I'm backed against the wall, cowering in fear. I'm going to die, right here right now. Snap! Just like that. Before I give up though, I decided to go down with a fight. Grabbing my sketching pencil off the desk next to me, I hold it out in front of me. The leader wolf, the one with silky silver fur and bright red eyes comes closer to me.

"Stay back!" I shout loudly, trying to scare it off, but unfortunately I have the opposite effect. The wolf continues to get closer to me, and now is only a few feet away. That's when something weird happens. It starts to morph into something else, something more... human.

Oh my god, I'm already dead!

The wolf changes, right in front of my eyes, and I stare horrified at a completely nude, tall brunette with red eyes and bright red lips. I'm hallucinating. That's it.

This is all part of dying, I try to tell myself. That's what I think until the woman talks.

"Pathetic little human," she sneers at me. A sadistic and completely creepy smile spreads across her flawless features," You think you could beat me?"

"St..stay away fr-" my voice turns into a chocking sound as the brunette moves faster than humanly possible and lifts me off the ground by my neck. My air way is cut off, and I claw at her hands, trying get her to let go.

"You look like the best Luna for Sebastian Grey. To bad you have to die," she laughs and looks me straight in the eye with her evil red ones.

"I can smell your fear, honey. It'll be quick... I promise," her sickly sweet voice clouds my oxygen deprived brain.

This is the end, I think.

The brunette snaps her head around to look at something behind her. I can't concentrate on this because all I can think about is breathing. You take oxygen for granted until you aren't able to get any. All of a sudden, the brunette drops me on the ground and morphs back into her wolf form.

I lay there, gasping in big gulps of air. In front of me, a fight is playing out. All the wolves in the room are brawling with new ones. The silver wolf with bright red eyes, the one that turned into the brunette, is fighting with a larger wolf with, one with chocolate brown fur, and the larger wolf is winning. It's almost as if it's protecting me from her. The silver wolf yelps in pain and leaps out the window. I sit stunned, as the animals leave, all except a few. I guess they were the ones that won the fight, including the chocolate brown wolf. It looks at me and whines, licking its paw. I stare wide eyed at the wolf as it to shifts into a human.

Sebastian Grey. He's a werewolf.

Hey guys! One again, I need help figuring out how to put two pictures on my chapter. If any of you know, please message me. The one at the top is of Bash, many of you could guess, I know. He's totally hot! Love that picture, and it looks exactly like I described him. Hope you loved this chapter because it's super long. Love ya!

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