Chapter Twelve

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     Slipping on my jeans and gathering my things, I tiptoe down the hall, trying not wake Abbi. When I get to her room, I quietly close the door so she can sleep longer. I'm hoping Sebastian is ready to leave because I've suddenly got an itch to paint, and all of my supplies are at the Inn. I usually bring a spare paint brush and a bottle of paint with me wherever I go, but yesterday was kind of hectic.

     I rush down the grand staircase, my hand trailing along the banister, and almost trip into the kitchen, but instantly back track into the foyer. Trinity and Sebastian look to be in a heated argument. They didn't notice my clumsy entrance so I duck behind the wall adjacent to the door. I'm not usually one to eavesdrop, but I don't know what else to do.

     "You can't just-"

     "Watch me," Sebastian snaps. He seems to be on the winning side of what ever the problem is. Trinity's putting up a good fight, though.

     "But Bash-"

     "I can protect her!" He explodes. I assume Bash is his nickname. I smile to myself, thinking of how well it fits him, but I sink back into the conversation when Trinity starts yelling.

     "Not with another pack in our territory! She could be in danger!" her voice rises an octave. I'm not sure what the whole pack and territory thing is supposed to mean, but I wonder who her is. Could it be Abigail? I know he'd want to protect his little sister.

     "I'm ALPHA! I'm more than capable of protecting my own-"

     "Sebastian Grey! Use some common sense. We don't even know what pack it is. For all we know, it could be rogues. What if they found out about her? Then what?"

     "They won't find out," he growls. I'm terribly lost at this point.

     "Fine," Trinity pauses as if deciding what to say," Do what you want, but I will say 'I told you so' when you lose her," with that, she marches angrily out of the kitchen. I barely have enough time to flatten against the wall to evade her radar, but she doesn't notice me, or at least I don't think she does. Weirdest argument I've ever heard. I let a long breath out, one that I didn't realize I was holding, and step into the kitchen.

     His back is facing me, and I can see the muscles through the thin white fabric. He leans against the counter, obviously trying to control his rage from the recent argument. Early morning sunlight streams through the wide open back door, lighting up his tan skin and dying his dirty blonde hair gold.

     "Ready?" I ask him. He turns around, his facial features rearranging themselves into a smile.

     "Yes. Shall we?"


     "No," I say, eyeing his black motorcycle.

     "Come on," he whines," I even have a helmet for you."

     I cross my arms over the jacket that conceals Trinity's pink shirt," No. It's not going to happen."

     He waves the helmet in front of my face and uses his puppy dog eyes. 

     "You'll love it, I promise."

     "Well that's just great, but you know what? I'm not ready to die yet!"

     "You're not going to die. I'll have you know I'm a very skilled driver."

     "Can't you just take your sister's Charger?" I ask, glaring at him. I am not getting on that thing. He can't make me.

     "I could try, but she'd probably murder me in my sleep if she found out."

     Wow. Lying to me already. Trinity seems very innocent compared to him. I consider this and decide the motorcycle is my only option of getting back to the Inn. Besides, two accidents in 48 hours? No way.

     "Fine, but if you kill me I'm coming back to haunt you." I grab the helmet out of his hands and slip it on my head. Sebastian chuckles and zips up his leather jacket, sealing in the warmth. I pull my coat tighter around me, dreading the moment I have to get on. I've always been terrified of these things.


      A boy in my geometry class was riding a motorcycle when he got hit and died. That really opened my eyes to life. I certainly didn't want to die, so I made a promise to myself never to ride a motorcycle. I guess I'm breaking that promise.

      Good bye life.

Hey guys! I'm sorry if you think this one is short. I thought it'd be a good place to stop, so... It's getting to the good part, but I don't want to give any spoilers. Peace out and Love ya!


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