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Harry's eyes opened and they immediately landed on the other twin bed in the room where his sister had been sleeping only to find it empty, he sat up abruptly and looked around the room to find no sign of her. Though this only indicated that she was well enough to have gotten out of bed, the last three to four day have been the hardest for him because he'd wake up and watch his sister just lying in bed, looking pale and unconscious even if she wasn't but now that  she was finally up, he felt a bit relieved and decided to make his way down the stairs for breakfast where he'd possibly find her.

Everyone was already seated in the basement just like all the times before, Mrs Weasley was preparing breakfast while Ginny and Hermione were helping her, Harry looked around and still found no sign of his sister in the room.
"Harry, what's wrong?" Sirius asked after noticing the confused look on his face making everyone's attention turn towards Harry.
"I thought that Aurora would be here" Harry said a bit uncertainly.
"Rosy?" Remus said, standing up from his chair abruptly, "Is she okay? Something happened?"
"No, no. She'll be down, I just didn't see her in bed so I'm assuming she's better" Harry reassured the others and watched them all visibly relax while Remus sat down.
"Oh, thank Merlin!" Sirius exclaimed as Harry took his place next to him.

No longer than ten minutes had passed that Aurora entered the kitchen looking much better than before, no doubt a bit peaky but her characteristic smile was back on her face as she entered the kitchen and the first ones to run to her were Harry and Mrs Weasley. Mrs Weasley was quite reluctant on letting her go only until Sirius and Remus got up from their chairs to give her a hug too, Fred and George were beaming at seeing her back in good shape. And though Fred had also gotten up to hug Aurora, George remained seated only feeling a bit nervous the more he looked at her. It's just Rori.

As though Aurora had read his thoughts, she made her way towards him and sat down in the empty chair next to him.
"You scared me there" George leaned in when she had settled down completely.
"Aurora, darling, just three days without you felt so quiet and that's saying something considering we have these two" Mrs Weasley said while pointing at her twins making Aurora chuckle softly.
"Wow, I didn't realise it would make that much of a difference" she said airily earning frowns from everyone which she didn't fail to notice, "I'm only joking, no need to look so put off"
"Yeah, well, not a very nice joke" George remarked from beside her making her push his shoulder.

Mrs Weasley piled Aurora" plate with almost everything she could find close to herself as the girl put up various efforts in stopping her and asked others for aid but all they did was shrug at her amusedly as they didn't want to stop Mrs Weasley from stuffing her up for an entire week in one day.
"Aurora, do you know who sent you those chocolates?" Sirius asked once they had all settled and decided to talk about the more important matter at hand which had made everyone's expressions turn more serious.
"There was no name or anything" Aurora told him.
"I think it was Malfoy", Harry said from beside Sirius making everyone's attention turn towards him as he said so. Aurora looked at confusingly, she knew Draco would never do such a thing to her and though Harry didn't know that; she was quite sure and confident that he wouldn't poison her. For crying out loud both of them were together and she knew he would never do anything to hurt her or so that's what she thought or tried to convince herself with.

"Dr- Malfoy? No, he wouldn't" Aurora said, trying to undertone the defensiveness so they wouldn't suspect anything but it also didn't go unnoticed by George who turned to look at her.
"Why not?" Harry asked before anyone else could open their mouth to talk to him or reason with him, "He wants to hurt me, he wants to hurt you too. His father's a Death Eater."
"Harry, that's absurd. I don't think he would stoop this low" Aurora tried to reason with him but only earned a skeptical look from him.
"Why are you even defending him? You know what kind of a person he is!" Harry said a bit heatedly, Aurora was in no mood of fighting him or raising any suspicions, he was justified in what he was saying and the reasoning behind it but she knew Draco better by now.
"I'm not defending him" she said placing emphasis on the word, "I'm just saying it doesn't make sense"
"Aurora, it makes all the sense in the world" Harry retorted, she opened and her closed her mouth knowing that if she went any further with trying to prove him wrong, he would only question her more.

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