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Aurora woke up to find that her uniform was missing and all that was left were her Slytherin robes. What the bloody hell? It's only the first day and Pugface and Bull-strode were already getting on her nerves.

"Daphne!" she called out once then twice but the dormitory was completely empty, she groaned loudly and pushed herself out of bed wrapping the robes around herself. Now she had only one choice; to go all the way to Gryffindor Tower and ask for Harry's uniform. Yes, Harry's! She couldn't seem to find hers even after searching the entire dormitory. She hastily made her way to the Common Room only to end up bumping into someone making her fall down and her robes to open, and reveal the not-so-appropriate night suit.
"Watch where you're—Potter?" Malfoy said and paused, watching Aurora as she got to her feet and wrapped the robes around herself again, a pink blush forming on her cheeks as she made her way past him.
"I'd put on some clothes if I were you", he sniggered at his comment making Aurora growl.
"You try having brats for dorm mates" she retorted.

Aurora entered Gryffindor Tower to find it half empty. Good Lord, she must be getting late. Just as she was about to climb the stairs to the boys' dormitory, Fred and George walked down from theirs.
"Fred, looks like someone couldn't wait for us" said George.
"Really now, Rori? Missed us too much?" Fred smirked.
"I'm here for Harry" Aurora said while pushing her way past the ginger twins and entered Harry's dormitory, still clutching the front of her robes.
"Aurora, what're you doing here?"
"-I want your uniform"
"-your uniform. Parkinson and Bulstrode are at it again. Now, get out and watch the door for me"

After changing into Harry's uniform which wasn't even obvious because of the robes; Harry, Ron, Hermione and Aurora made their way to the Great Hall together and Aurora instinctively walked towards the Staff Table to greet Remus.

The girl followed her house mates to the third floor for her first class; Defence Against the Dark Arts.
"Today, you will be facing your worst fears. Now, can someone tell me what a Boggart is?" Remus asked. After a second of seeing no one's hand raise up, Aurora's automatically shot in the air.
"A Boggart is a shape-shifter and takes on the form of its observer's worst fear" she answered, confidently.
"Very good, Aurora. Take ten points" he said proudly and continued, "now, I want you to repeat the incantation with me without your wands. Riddikulus"
The class dully chanted "Riddikulus".

"This class is ridiculous", Aurora heard Malfoy's voice from behind her making her shoot a look of disapproval at him. The rest of the class assembled in a queue, everyone watched as each individual turned their Boggart into something absolutely hilarious earning gales of laughter from the onlookers as they awaited their turns; nervous yet excited. What could possibly be my worst fear? Aurora thought to herself.
She stepped in front of the line, the Boggart serpent began to shift in front of her eyes as she held onto her wand. It happened within a split second and with a loud crack. No, no, no. It can't be. Her breath hitched when she saw his body lying on the floor, glasses askew, a look of terror in his eyes and a pool of blood surrounding him. Harry lay...dead...in front of her eyes. All eyes were on Aurora as she watched the body, motionlessly.

"Aurora! Aurora, this is not real" Remus's voice sounded making her snap out of her trance and lift her wand.

"R-riddikulus" Aurora finally cried shakily and watched the motionless body of Harry turn into a healthy, happy one as she backed away towards the end of the room. The others were still watching her, the whole school will find out what happened. Aurora Potter's Boggart turned into her brother but dead.
"Aurora, it's all right" Remus comforted his Goddaughter once the class was over. But she couldn't get the picture out of her head as she made her way towards the dungeons for Potions with the Gryffindors. I'll see Harry. Nothing's happened to him. He's completely fine.

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