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"Are you calling my brother a liar?", Aurora's angry voice interrupted Umbridge's speech, she was standing up from her seat and her hands were balled into fists. Today's day wasn't going the best for her and now just made it even worse than it was. Umbridge's toad like eyes settled on her, she wore an expression that anyone would wear while they were interrupted during a speech but then a sickly sweet smile spread across her face. Umbridge looked, if anything, satisfied that she had ticked Aurora off and she did it deliberately, to get a reaction out of the girl as everyone's attention landed on her.

"Ah, well, I don't think I'm-"

"There's only one person lying and that's the Minister himself, Professor" Aurora said in a mock-nice manner though under the table, her hands were bawled into fists and it was taking all her willpower not to lunge at the toad faced woman standing in front of the classroom. Confronting her brother of lying when she knew everything that he had seen at the graveyard, after seeing him suffer with nightmares ever since that night happened.
"You dare question the Minister for Magic?" Umbridge said in her high pitched voice, her nostrils flared as she spoke, "After everything that happened? Have you forgotten your trial?"
Aurora's jaw clenched, she could feel the eyes of every student in the room on her, she felt naked under their stare because it was scrutinising. She could only feel herself being tugged by the robes by someone sitting next to her. For a second, she had completely forgotten that she was a Prefect and such outbursts would only put her in more trouble and that too with none other than Snape who would want to take every opportunity to take the badge away from her.

"Detention for you, Miss Potter!" Umbridge announced loudly with a nasty smile, "Mr Malfoy, please escort her to Professor Snape"
Draco looked around for only a second but he wasn't the kind to flinch from duty and he was the kind to do it no matter who it was.
"I'll go by myself" Aurora shot back, she slung her bag over her shoulder and walked towards Umbridge who was holding a note out for her to take. She took the note and left the classroom as quickly as possible. She didn't care about missing any of the Defence classes from this year, she wasn't going to tolerate that horrendous woman and especially not on a day like this when every single thing was ticking her off.

She walked down the path towards the dungeons as slowly aa she could, the note was to be taken to Professor Snape's office and she was in no hurry of getting to him. If there was one person she despised most at Hogwarts; it was Snape. But now he seemed to have competition with Umbridge and Aurora couldn't decide who she hated more. She took sluggish steps down the spiralling staircase that was leading towards Snape's office and knocked three times before the door opened, and stepped into his eerie office. The shelves were always full of slimy, weird, creatures and things that she wouldn't like to see even in her nightmares. Snape didn't bother looking up at her when she entered which wasn't anything new considering he always pretended like she didn't exist. She had learned to be okay with that so she moved towards his desk and placed the note in front of him. Without lifting his head, he took the note and read it to himself while Aurora waited with her arms folded across her chest, tapping her foot on the ground impatiently.

"Your badge" Snape said monotonously while holding his hand out, his eyes were still fixed on the note in his hand. Aurora unfolded her arms and looked at him confusingly, making sure that she had heard him right.
"My - my what?" she asked.
"Your badge, Potter!" Snape snapped, finally looking up while Aurora's eyes widened a bit as the realisation started to settle upon her, "I will be taking your badge for a week, you'll be under evaluation and only then will it be given back"
Aurora scoffed in her throat and rolled her eyes as she started to, angrily, unpin the Prefect's badge from the front of her robes and slammed it on Snape's desk before swiftly turning around to leave his office. She had had enough of the last few weeks already, she was at the brink of breaking down. She wasn't going to return to Umbridge's classroom even if it meant that she had to waste two periods of her most important class of the most important year which meant that it was now O.W.L year for her so she couldn't risk missing any of her classes but an exception could be made in this area.

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