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Aurora fiddled with the package nervously, knowing exactly who it was from and she could sense everyone's curious eyes on her but most of all, she was hoping that no one would figure out whose owl it was; especially Harry. For a moment they were all looking at her expectantly as though waiting for her to open the package but when she didn't they continued eating. With a quiet sigh of relief, she also went back to eating.

"Rosy, you haven't asked or said anything," Sirius said, once again turning everyone's attention on her.
"I think I'm just too tired to talk," she said with a slight shrug of her shoulder, it was far from the truth. She had all these questions that she wanted answers to but she didn't know how to ask them.

"The - the hearing though," Aurora said finally, after a long while of outstretched silence.

"There wouldn't have been a hearing, to begin with, if you didn't use magic," Harry said before Remus could open his mouth to talk and his sister looked at him questioningly.
"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at her brother.
"You know those dementors were sent after me-"
"Oh, I don't believe it!" Aurora huffed, throwing her hands up in the air, "Really, Harry?"

"You shouldn't have been there" Harry retorted, "I could have taken care of it"
"You know what? If this is your way of thanking me then I don't need it" Aurora said angrily, pushing herself out of the chair and departing up the stairs to the room that she was supposed to be staying in.

She dropped down on the bed, the parcel next to her was long forgotten and she took a few minutes to recollect herself before turning her attention to it. A note was attached to it at the bottom that she didn't waste another second to open, hoping to divert her thoughts elsewhere.

I'm sorry for not writing to you as promised but I hope this makes up for it.

Happy Belated Birthday, love.


A smile played on her lips as she read the note, she appreciated the gesture. She didn't care that the note was small or that it didn't contain anything as such but it was enough for her. She picked up the rectangular package and started to unwrap it, her fingers slightly trembling as it revealed a sleek black box, whatever was inside it she knew that it didn't come cheap. That's just how Draco was, he was born and raised in luxury and the gift was an example because just as soon as she had removed the lid, her mouth fell open in equal shock and awe. She couldn't believe he'd get her something as expensive or valuable as that, she wasn't the kind of person who liked big gestures, she always contended with the small ones but this was a whole other level.

Very delicately, she traced her fingers along the glass rose in the box, she knew exactly what it meant. And very carefully she set the box down on the bed next to her before taking the rose out of it to examine it closely; it was nothing like she'd ever seen, it shimmered and it was so delicate yet beautiful that she knew she wouldn't be able to recover from being awestruck anytime soon especially not if he was to continue doing stuff like this to impress her. She placed the rose back in the box and examined it with a smile for a bit longer then safely kept it in the side table drawer next to the bed just as she did so, a dull crack sounded in the room that made Aurora jump.

"Sorry, we didn't mean to give you a scare" came Fred's voice while Aurora recovered from the fright she had gotten, she subtly cast her eyes sideways to see if the drawer was completely closed and the box wasn't in sight.

"Mrs Weasley might be coming up any second," she said, suddenly talking in a hushed voice.
"Oh yeah, she is," Fred said, waving his hand dismissively as he did so.
"Anyway, we were just with Harry and Ron" George continued, "And well - you were very quiet earlier so...so how are you really feeling about everything?"

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