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The Quidditch final was closing in; Gryffindor versus Slytherin. The game was bound to get nasty one way or the other, there was no denying it but how nasty would it get this time would only be found out within a matter of hours that would lead up to the last game of the season from which one of the two houses would emerge victorious. Aurora had always supported Gryffindor, of course, and that's what everyone thought she would do but wasn't exactly very much expected of her so a lot of people were caught by surprise when they saw her supporting Gryffindor through all her years with the same enthusiasm as the house itself but as of lately, she had been finding it difficult to do so and was reluctant on admitting it to anyone.

Growing up with a Godfather like Remus had it's own perks and benefits, he had taught Aurora to never be prejudice towards any house and always reassured her that whatever house she was Sorted in; she was to treat it like her own even if it was a house like Slytherin. With that also came stories from his own school days, stories about her mother and father were always her favourite; Remus loved reminding her how she had a bit of both her parents' qualities. But being in Slytherin had taught Aurora all sorts of things over the course of two years, she knew for one that no matter how many dark wizards Slytherin might have turned up; not all of them were as bad as the others would say, not all of them were Death Eaters but they were significantly closed off, highly ambitious, reserved and more composed than Aurora thought she was and yet she always found herself wondering why the Sorting Hat had ever decided upon Sorting her into Slytherin.

She sighed quietly to herself with her head resting on her arms on the wooden desk, animating shapes using her wand in mid air catching Remus's attention who was assembling stacks of parchment and smiled warmly to himself at his Goddaughter's creations. A glowing miniature wolf was pouncing around above Aurora's head as she directed her wand in circular motions and smiled to herself at her own creation, snapping out of her thoughts for a mere second before getting lost in her trance again which now made Remus to sit down in the chair across her, behind the desk.
"Everything all right, Rosy?" Remus asked softly and watched Aurora slowly bring the wolf down on the table as it stopped pouncing, lifting her head from her hands and setting her wand down making the wolf disappear like a wisp.

"I often...often wonder why I ever got Sorted into Slytherin" she sighed, resting her chin on the top of her hands and raising her eyes to look up at Remus who had his arms folded across the table. Up close, she could see how the scars on his face had deepened and though she had expressed her concern regarding them before multiple times, Remus dismissed her by telling her that it was not as bad as it looked, she was no stranger to his secret and was always worried about her Godfather whenever the full moon occurred. She would spend more time with him prior to it and would stack up more chocolates or with one of her treats; from a young age she had liked to bake and would always make sure to experiment something new with her Godfather. The habit had for quite a while subsided once she had joined Hogwarts and started living with the Dursleys but it was one miraculous evening when Aunt Petunia had actually let her bake and was quite impressed though she never openly acknowledged it.

"What have I told you about being prejudice?" Remus said softer yet with a hint of a frown in his tone.
"No, no, I'm not being prejudice" Aurora said while shaking her head making Remus's expression turn into one of confusion, "it's just that...I don't know if I have any of the Slytherin traits, as they call it. Ambition? Intelligence? Resourcefulness?"
With another defeated sigh she paused and went back to resting her head on her hands, Remus smiled at the girl's slight doubt that strongly reminded him of how he felt during his early years when he was Sorted into Gryffindor.
"That's exactly what went through my head when I was Sorted into Gryffindor" he said reassuringly making her head lift and a small smile to appear as he went on, "but these qualities don't necessarily have to be out in the open at such an early age. And if you ask me, I think you're quite intelligent; you always receive top grades. You are clever and resourceful, and only very few resourceful people have a bunch of genuine friends. And you have those, don't you?"
Aurora nodded, her smile growing significantly as she thought about Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and even Daphne and Blaise.

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