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Something's not letting me
Move the way I used to

Aurora was fiddling with the thread bracelet that she was wearing in her left hand, the same one that George had gifted to her during Christmas of third year, his fifth year, when they decided to go back to the Burrow to spend Christmas there. The bracelet was still as new as ever as though he had given it to her just yesterday but she was sure that he must have used an everlasting charm, she was glad he did because she had showered, played Quidditch and well, practically done almost everything while wearing it but it didn't so much as lose a thread. It fitted her wrist perfectly just like it did before and the letters, G and A were dangling merrily, shiny as ever. She wasn't paying attention at all today, either she didn't intend to or she had tried too hard now that she had given up on it. History of Magic seemed to be passing by slower than usual today or rather it wasn't passing by at all, she had sighed almost five times in the last fifteen minutes and this one surely had earned everyone's attention as they all glanced back at her with screwed up eyebrows and annoyed expressions but she couldn't care any less.

Daphne almost slammed her quill on the table, she was starting to get irritated by Aurora's sighs and her behaviour, they hadn't had the chance to talk and she was growing impatient because she couldn't stand her friend's sulky face. But other than that, she was also rather jumpy, any loud sound that emitted made her jump each time and made her heart beat painfully fast. She has had nightmares before, each was worse than the other but never had they impacted her like the one that impacted her today but then again it was because she always had George to comfort her, to talk to and not being able to talk to him was eating her away in ways she didn't even imagine. She thought back to how happy he looked during breakfast with his friends, maybe he was happy and it was time for her to step away from him no matter how painful it might have been for her.

Aurora didn't realise when the bell had sounded, it was only when Daphne shook her shoulder did her head perk up to see that everyone was packing to leave, Professor Binns had already left the classroom.
"Time for you to talk, Aurora" Daphne said while turning towards her friend, packing slowly so that they left last.
"Daph, everything's terrible. I just don't know - George and I aren't talking" Aurora said with a bit of a crack in her voice, she could feel her eyes starting to fill up.
"What?" Daphne exclaimed, "You and him aren't talking but how - Aurora, calm down. Tell me everything that happened"

That was all the assurance and get go that Aurora needed to dive into the story of what had happened during summer. She told Daphne everything about the sleepless nights at Privet Drive minus the nightmares, then the Dementor attack that almost had her expelled from Hogwarts. Oh and yes, not to mention the glass rose that Draco had sent her as a late birthday present to make up for the promise that he'd broken, the promise that he'd made of reaching out to her during summer break but hadn't written to her even once. She told her all about the mysterious box of chocolates that was sent to her which she had initially assumed to be from Draco but that was only until she realised that they were poisoned and almost fell to her death, and how it took her almost five days to be nursed back to health. Daphne gasped at all the right places while listening to her, she didn't miss a single word that her friend was saying without pausing for breath and she wasn't going to let her surroundings distract her from listening to her either as she stayed glued to Aurora's side.

Aurora told her all about the conversation she had had with George just a bit before returning to Hogwarts that had led both of them to not talk to one another and she listened without interrupting. Aurora also didn't miss the part where George almost walked in on her and Draco kissing, and how bitterly she had reacted to him when he asked what she was doing with him in the compartment. Once she was done, she took a deep breath and waited patiently for Daphne's reaction, her face was unreadable. She couldn't really tell what she was thinking.

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