2. Task

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I started laughing, "role model? haha. Gotta call mom and say this really quick. Anyway, nice meeting you!"

"Can I have a picture with you?"

"Umm..maybe the day your design is pinned on that board?" I indicated to the huge board behind her. She smiled and led me to Ms Song's office"This way-"

As soon as I entered the room, Ms Song came hugging me"Reba!! Welcome welcome...such a great pleasure to have you"

"Oh my god, noo I was supposed to say that! You know right..how much this means to me. Thank you so much for calling me here 'ma'am'." I acted along with her and we laughed. Song Bora was my senior buddy in California and one of my best friends.

"Haha, I know I know...Oh lord, I didn't even plan a welcome party for you!"

"Really? I can already sense the rush here..and you were gonna throw a party for me in between all these workloads? You are really something else, Bora!"I said shaking my head. I can say, she was under pressure because of the complete mess in her room.

"and that's why I called you here. This time it's a really big collaboration and everyone here is really busy including me and this one is really huge that only you can make it out successful"

"Calm down sis...I got this. Just tell me what to do"

"Aghh Thanks a lot...Anyway, it's quite late now, you should go to the apartment and take some rest.  Let's talk tomorrow morning." She passed me the key and told the intern girl to take me to the apartment.

The apartment was close to my office, so we walked there.

"So what's your name?"

"Kang Shinhye" the intern girl responded as she opened the door.

The apartment was beautiful! It was a 1 bedroom apartment with a grey and white theme. I would have gone for a studio but Bora insisted on taking bigger apartments but still I like them small and cozy.

I was so tired that I fell asleep right after the intern left.

"Where the hell is coffee beans?" It was only morning and I knew my day was ruined. My worst weakness was that I am a really serious plus dangerous coffeeholic. I can kill someone the day I don't get my coffee on time! I got ready and walked as fast as possible to the office cafeteria as it was the closest place where I could find some coffee. 

"Aaah" the sense of happiness when the first sip of your hot coffee touches your soul!

"Good morning Reba!" It was Bora. "Ready to work?" she sat down with me.

"not really...let me finish this cup" she laughed. 

"Hey listen...Shinhye will explain all about the collaboration to you on your way to Bighit so hurry up and go down, she's waiting for you. I have to go now, the meeting will start in 10 mins. So byeee and all the best!"

"Wait-" she disappeared in a flash. 

Bighit?I sure have heard that name before...aghh anyway I should go down fast

I got into the car with Shinhye. "So what's my task?" 

She passed me the files, "It's a collaboration with BTS for 3 months and you are the head in charge. I'll be also working on this project as your assistant and right now we are going to Bighit entertainment."

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