13. Games on you!

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Yoongi, Jin and Hoseok were preparing lunch in the kitchen. I helped them make egg rolls as I had no idea about any Korean dishes. Hoseok told us there will be a football match at the beach in the evening. After lunch, I had some work emails to send. Then I changed into my tank top and joggers for the game. I went out to the beach and saw others setting up the goalposts.

They had already decided the teams- me, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin were team "black" because according to Jimin's theory, the only thing we had in common was our black hair. Yoongi, Jin, Jungkook ,Hoseok were team "kim seok jin" ofc. Yoongi and Jimin were the goalkeepers.

The game started and Jungkook lead the ball. Namjoon defended him and passed it to me. I lead it to the post and passed it to Taehyung for goal but Jin came in and snatched it to pass it to Hoseok. Hoseok made a goal. They all celebrated while we booed at them. This time I took the ball and passed it to Namjoon and he went for a goal but sadly Yoongi caught it and threw it to Jungkook. Taehyung defended him while Namjoon took over the ball but Jungkook came back into the picture and took it from Namjoon. He passed it to jin who kicked for goal but Jimin caught it this time. Jimin threw the ball to me. I lead the ball to midcourt but Jungkook opposed me. I covered the ball but both Tae and Namjoon were well defended. I had no choice but to move on without passing. Jungkook was still trying to defend me but I didn't give him a chance. I tricked him and lead the ball to the post. I could see he was furious.

Just when I was gonna kick for a goal, Jungkook came from behind. He lifted me by my waist and passed the ball to Jin. Jimin whistled at us from behind. Not a foul whistle but a freaking flirty one."wtf jeon jungkook. That's foul!!" I fired up to him stopping the game.

"From the start, we didn't have any rules honey. Stop being a child and continue the game," he smirked. What? I was being a child? I looked at others for support but they all looked in different directions. I sighed. I know what this is about.
"Ok fine but you better don't come back later crying about rules, Jungkook." I know he didn't take the warning seriously, but the real game was just beginning.

Jin continued the game and passed the ball to Hoseok who was tricked by Tae. Tae lead the ball to the post and passed it to me. It was a goal this time.Black-2    Kim Seokjin- 2

I smirked at Jungkook and he simply chuckled at me. How dare he. I'll show you what I can do.Tae passed the ball to Namjoon but Jungkook took over. This was my chance. I opposed Jungkook and tried to take over but he gave in his all and lead it to the post. Just as he was aiming for the goal...I came by his side and kissed him on his cheek.

 He. dead. stopped.

I didn't wait for his reaction, I quickly took over and made a goal easily because everyone was still in shock. Well done Reba.

Jungkook was glaring at me in... I don't know...shock? or anger? but everyone else was laughing at him. Jungkook got more furious by their laughs and stormed up to me.

"Why? What happened jungkook? We didn't have any rules....right..guys?"

"Indeed." Yoongi raised.

"C'mon Mr Jeon...stop being a child and continue the game." Victory. All roared into laughter.

But Jungkook's glare turned into a smile now. "I think I should continue the game..." ok he's definitely up to something. "...if you are playing it this way," he smirked. "I mean...I can't waste these kisses." Another flirty whistle from Jimin. They were enjoying this.

"Pervert." I glared at him. He smirked. He was coming closer and closer to me as I kept taking a step back. I couldn't let him win. At once, I threw the ball onto his face and he fell down from the pain. I knew it had hurt him real bad but I had no other option.

I kneeled down to him and smirked, "Oops the ball slipped. Come in. I'll get some ice."Victory confirmed.

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