9. Tweet

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It got a bit awkward between us and as the staff finished clearing the table, it went all silent. why are they taking so long? Maybe it's the right moment....start the conversation, Reba! Come on...say something...


Jungkook spoke at the same time as I did.

"No! It was my-..."
"No! It was my-..." not again

We looked at each other for a moment and laughed. I motioned him to speak first warmly.

"Yesterday night.." Jungkook began as he lowered his head, " I didn't mean to hurt you yesterday! I swear!"

I laughed," I know but what were you doing there?"

"I was waiting for the bus and then you appeared. I thought I will give you a company until the bus arrives and so I came. Never thought I will be appreciated with a punch for my kindness." Jungkook chuckled.

"Oh my god, I feel so bad. You looked like a creepy pervert there, no offence haha, and never in the world, I thought it will be you. So yeah kinda reflexed a bit hard...are you okay?" I thought I heard his bones crack back then.

"Yeah I'm fine," He said as he dabbed on his tummy. "I might lose my pride if I didn't tell that." I laughed at him and showed off my muscles aka my bony arm.

"Oh and the jacket was super creative, I'm sorry,  I couldn't tell how amazing your design was that day." He scratched his nape.

"Thank you, I thought you didn't like it. Now I'm so relieved" I smiled, "even I couldn't tell you how amazing the performance was. You guys just rocked it. Thanks a lot for giving me a chance." He smiled warmly at me and gave out his hand. I looked at him wondering what he meant.

"Didn't get to introduce myself properly". He chuckled."Myself Jeon Jungkook from BTS."

"Reba Tedd, collab rep of Hymn Fashion. It's a pleasure to work with you, Mr Jeon."I smiled and took his hand.

"Same here Ms Tedd. Let's make this a memorable one." He formally addressed
We couldn't hold back our laughs. Great day.


"Thanks, @Reba._ and @hymn_label for yesterday, Your designs are the best!"

I woke up to the notification sound and smiled at the name BTS and their lovely message.


I jumped up from the bed and rubbed my eyes twice as I realized it was not a personal message but a freaking tweet! The great BTS tweeted about my design!! What's happening!? I got washed up fast as I was getting late for work and ran to the office after having breakfast. I went to the room where jin took me aka the common room. According to my intuition, they had to be there right now.

"Hey ms. celebrity...You're trending! haha," I didn't notice Mr Lee standing near the door to their common room until he spoke. "Oh come onn...I'm trembling Kyung!" He chuckled at my tensed face. Lately, we realized he was just 2 years older than me and he told me I can call him Oppa. But I am not a big fan of the term Oppa so finally agreed on calling him, Kyung. We got closer over time and he was a person who I could rely upon blindly. He helped me whenever I had any problems at both work and personal life.

"Where are they?" He pointed his thumb to the door. I was right.

I got into the room without thinking and met a few surprised eyes. They relaxed on seeing me and some chuckled at my weird expression. Kyung also came behind me into the room.

"Did you meet a ghost on the way? Why is your face like that Reba?" Jhope laughed at me

"no, worse than that" I lifted my phone and asked or almost squealed..."what was that for?"
They giggled. Even Kyung was giggling with them.

"Whatt....come on this is huge!! I'm trending you guys! Oh my god, I'm not used to this!"They laughed even more seeing my madness and stress walk from one end to the other.

"Well better be...because you will be working with us for the next 6 months" what-?

They all got ready for the shoot and left the room one by one teasing me as I stood there bewildered. Jungkook winked at me as he was last to leave the room. jerk!

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