3. BTS

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"BTS!? in the sense, the famous K-pop group BTS?"

"yes, ma'am. Are you into k-pop too?"She chuckled

"Are you kidding me? Of course yes! I'm the biggest Ahgase I've ever seen!" I laughed "and stop calling me ma'am. Call me Reba."

"Oh my god! I'm an Ahgase too ma'a-, I meant Reba!"She giggled

"Haha..we got to spend some fangirl time together!"I winked and she nodded. "Okay wait so you're telling me, BTS will be wearing Hymn's outfits for all their events in the next 3 months? Unbelievable... and I'll be designing for the fashion kings??"

"Mainly for their upcoming Run BTS episodes and Coachella."

"Coachella? They are performing at the Coachella this time?" I asked her excitedly.

"- for the first time. So they expect the best outfits from us and this is really huge for Hymn fashions also. Ms Song appealed to you because you already have experience in working at Coachella and she has the full confidence only you can take it to the best"

So that's what it is. I was only a mere assistant at my first Coachella tho. Aghh shake it off Reba...This is your chance! It's BTS, one of the best artists. The only way the world can see your capabilities and you can't make it a failure!!

"We are here" Shinhye notified me as the driver pulled over the car.

As I got down from the car, I noticed the big building in front of me which had almost 20 floors in height and stood somehow different from the other tightly packed buildings around it. I saw a gang of teenagers in their school uniforms with cute handbooks and signboards in their hands talking to each other about something that's gonna pop out of the entrance soon. Some of those started staring at me like I had something on my face but that's when someone reached out his hand to me from my side...someone really similar?

"Welcome to Bighit, Ms Tedd!" He was a young handsome man in formals with dark black hair.

"Thank you" I replied as I gave back my hand and stared at him. He was really familiar.

Strangely enough, he stared at me back too. We slowly raised our index fingers to point at each other as if we were gaining our long-lost memory. I'm sure I've seen him...but where!? This Mr Handsome and that same bit of adrenaline rush you felt when you saw him before...

"AIRPORT!?" we asked at the same time.

We paused and then laughed at the coincident meet. 

"Nice to meet you again! I can't believe I didn't recognize you that day." He exclaimed.

"Oh please, I'm not that famous haha. And that hurts a bit" I pointed to our still shaking hands.

"Oh sorry haha" He leaves my hands quickly as the realization hits him. "So I guess I'll introduce myself first...I am Lee Yooseok, personal manager of BTS and I can help you with anything around here."

"Thanks, Mr Lee...It's a pleasure to work with you. Oh and this is Kang Shinhye, my assistant for this project." They bowed at each other. I almost forgot all this time there was this little girl who stood beside me not understanding the situation. I briefed her about our first meeting and laughed together.

"I can show you around and also introduce you to the fashion team if you are ready."

"Yes please." He indicated us to follow him to the entrance. Along our way through the fangirls, all the curious eyes were fixed on us as if we were gonna be attacked at any moment. As soon as we entered the building, I and Shinhye let out a sigh of relaxation which made Mr Lee giggle.

Soon he showed us the fashion department, cafeteria, gym, and finally my own office cabin. Beautiful! It had such a great working environment.
"What's there?" I noticed some noise coming out of a partially opened door near the conference room.

Mr Lee looked to where I was pointing and smiled showing a follow-him expression. He opened the door completely to let us in and as we went inside the music grew louder. There was a lot of staff inside the room discussing things as they monitored the performance going on. Cameramen ran around the room flashing each second. The stage lights blurred my vision as I turned my head to see the people performing. Slowly my focus came in and there appeared 7 men...

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