7. Stranger

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Later that day I got off work late and had to take the bus back to the apartment. The street light was flickering with time and the roads were not that busy. I was alone at the bus stop but soon I noticed I was actually not. There was this hoodie man I didn't notice at first who was sitting in the dark corner listening to music. Honestly, I was a bit scared, it was my first alone time on Korean streets. I saw him moving in my direction. Nah he might be going somewhere else. God, why is he getting closer to me? BANGGG

"back off u-" what I next saw was the hoodie falling to reveal Jungkook's face in pain. 

"Jungkook? what are u doing here...I'm so sorry..does that hurt?"

"oh no...punch in my tummy...wow I feel good" Tsk should I punch him again?

"no I didn't mean it like that....what are u doing here?" I asked clearing my throat.

"nevermind...my bad" he turned facing his back to me still clutching his abdomen.

"wait...wait.." but Jungkook went back to the building real fast. not again Reba aghhh but what the hell was he doing here?

Not to say I didn't sleep that night at all because of that arrogant little Mr. duh. He really pisses me off. No wonder why army calls him the evil maknae but what's with the bunny? huh seriously? comparing that poor creature with this guy? he's nothing similar to a bunny. Ya true that he got cute lil bunny teeth but that doesn't make him anything innocent like a bunny but he is cute tho. Aghhh sleep rach sleep! no more overthinking, first things first, apologize to him in the morning.

*Next day morning...

What the hell might she think about me now? chasing girls at night? good! can't do a thing properly! Naturally, my mood was down so I stopped working out and watched Hyungs sitting in the corner of the gym. 

Just then the punching bag bounced back to hit Namjoon Hyung real bad. Everyone started laughing except for Jimin Hyung who kept apologizing to Hyung for not holding the bag properly. It might have hurt so bad, poor Hyung. That reminded me of the pain from yesterday as I patted on my insides....never thought, that little thing can punch this hard. Though the pain still hurts a smile came to my face at the thought of her.

"Guys look, Jungkook is in loveeee. He is blushing by himself" I heard Hoseok Hyung's voice from the treadmill area.

"Maybe he felt Namjoon Hyung cute" Tae Hyung chuckled as he lifted weights.
I ignored all the comments but still, Hoseok Hyung and Tae Hyung made a bet on whether I got a girl or not. Dang, they really know me well. Wait, was I really blushing? crap she is such a headache. Speak of the name...

"Oh hi, Reba!" I heard Jimin Hyung calling out her name. she's here? what is she doing he-? good lord gracious. I saw Reba approaching me. She is in her gym outfit. SHE IS IN HER GYM OUTFIT! Her toned and sweaty body with perfect abs was exposed. I could feel all the men's eyes on her as she walked to me. My focus turned on her and the surroundings became all blurry. I could only see her face now. She's awesome. She's-

"Jungkook? Heyy?"

As she interrupted my train of thoughts, everything came clear and I heard her voice distinctly. I can't believe I zoned out in front of her!! I realized by now other members knew Hoseok Hyung was right because I saw them sending glances at each other and smirking. I even saw Tae Hyung handing out Hoseok Hyung their bet money and laughing at me together. This is so embarrassing. 

I quickly responded to Reba. I know she also observed my sudden colour change. Thank god she ignored it and told me she was here to apologize about yesterday. I can't let the others know about yesterday. So I replied it was my mistake and that I am sorry and ran off the from the room asap. You are doomed Jungkook!

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