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Virgil sat in the couch with a huge smile. "Haven't done that in years. It was kinda fun."
Terrence laughed. "So much amusement."
"Yeah," Virgil scratched the back of his head a little.
"Guess the skill of a hunter doesn't just fall off the board." Quil added. She hadn't seemed to move from the spot she was in when Virgil 1st got there.
"Muscle memory?" Virgil assumed.
"Guess so," Terrence adjusted himself in the chair to get comfortable. "You don't usually make a habit of coming here. You know, due to the smell. What gives?"
Virgil's smile faded. "Well, you know the human house I live in?"
"Of course," Terrence agreed.
"Why you'd live with humans is beyond me." Quil wasn't much into being around humans. It never suited her fancy per say.
Virgil ignored the remark. "Im not a hundred percent sure they are all entirely human."
"Like other vampires?" Quil asked perking up some.
"Well, truth is, I don't know." Virgil looked between Terrence and Quil several times as he explained himself. "So this morning, well nearly noon, I was attacked my chains. Chains that seemed to be moving on there own. Logan, the nerdy college guy, yeah. He came and grabbed the chains absorbing them into his hands."
"That's strange," Terrence agreed. "Parlor trick."
Quil shot Terrence a 'seriously?' look. "What else?" She asked.
"Then there is Janus," Virgil used his hands as he spoke to explain. "Janus hides his entire left side. Like its always covered in black cloth. Everything except his odd snake eye. That side of him is super sensitive. It just doesn't sit right with me."
Quil's face had formed to one of disgust. "His kind sound familiar."
This peaking Terrence's interest. "How so?"
Quil leaned back, legs crossed, "The serpent people hunted and killed us out of sport. Most vampires refuse to day walk due to the bright light on our sensitive eyes. The serpent people could walk during the day and night making it easy to hunt and kill us. They found it fun. That was until a blood moon eclipse. The one day when we were able to fight back full force. We were stronger and faster than them. That's when the queen stepped up. She could only walk on pitch black nights, which were rare, or on blood moon nights. She had killed the serpent king. His son had escaped along with some of the other servant children. It was a bloody day. One I hope you never have to go through." Quil remembered the battle with major detail.
"Look if Janus is one of these escaped serpent children, he's definitely one of the nice ones. I think he would be afraid to show anything that looks serpent like after something as traumatizing as that." Virgil seemed to sympathize for Janus.
"Be careful, I wouldn't trust any of those creeps." Quil crossed her arms. "I need some it on coffee, want any?" She stood and began to leave the room.
"No thank you, I should actually get headed back." Virgil replied.
"I'll take some." Terrence agreed.
Quil disappeared into the kitchen. She was mumbling to herself now lost in her own world. It was something she did quite a bit. Terrence lead Virgil to the door. "She'll be fine."
Virgil knew Quil would be fine but he was now starting to worry. Instead of getting answers he only seemed to get more questions. He ran home at inhuman speed and landed in the safety of his room. He shivered and immediately went a took a shower. He couldn't stay in that place a moment longer.

The Nightmare Prince: A Sanders Sides Story (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now