Fork Tongue

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*WARNING: Very Gruesome Chapter, blood*

   Janus frantically searched for the bandages he always had. He couldn't possibly be out. He looked in all the usual places. Places he had hidden around his room just in case. His dresser drawer was a main one. There was a small corner on the top shelf of his closet. There was a small shoebox under his bed. He could find any. He couldn't have possibly gone through them all could he?
   His entire left side itches like there was no tomorrow. He quickly opened his door, looked out to make sure no one was there. Then he shut the door and locked it once again. He went over and made sure his window was locked before shutting the blinds against the setting sun. He then tore off the bandages as quickly as possible.
   By the time he was done it looked like a mummy had exploded in his room. He took a deep breath. He looked at the bandages. Suddenly the idea Ching made a lot more sense. He was shedding. He only shed every few years but he didn't remember it ever being this itchy.
   He went and stood in front of a mirror. He looked at himself. It had been a while since he really looked at himself. The left half of his body was covered in small green scales that had a slight gold shimmer to them. He saw bits of old scale left he would need to shower to get rid of which didn't bother him one bit as long as Virgil didn't take all the hot water again. He took a deep breath. He would have to somehow get more bandages before he showed himself in front of the others again.
   He went and showered before changing into his pajamas. They were black and yellow and made of really soft material. He brushed a comb through his hair  and looked at his reflection again. The itching had fully dissipated by now and it made him very happy. Tomorrow bandages would be his only priority but right now he needed to relax.
He lay in bed underneath the thick soft comforter and slowly drifted to sleep as the sun disappeared behind his curtains.

Janus looked up at saw a tall man before him. This man was entirely covered in scales and had two snake eyes, both of which were yellow. Next to him was a beautiful woman who owned no scales. They held him close as the blood moon eclipse started. The day they all feared. Janus wasn't old enough to understand why everyone was so tense.
   Janus was hiding behind his father. His father wore a suit minute the blazer. It was a dark brown color with a white shirt. It offset the scales. His mother wore a black and yellow sundress given to her by his father. It made her green eyes pop. 
   Janus looked to his father, "Daddy?" He asked innocently. He was four years of age.
   His father turned to his mother. "Janus, take our son and run. Don't look back. If they catch him our lives will truly end. Our legacy. Everything. He needs to live."
   "I can't leave you. They will destroy you. You know as well as I, that they are faster and more powerful today that's every before. I want to help." She rebutted.
   "You are already at risk just being a human amongst us. Please Janus." He pleaded. "Take Jan and go."
   "Too late, your highness." A voice spoke from in front of them. "That boy will be my trophy. Your wife my snack after I rip those scales from your skin."
   Janus's father hissed as they faced this woman. This woman had blood stained lips, ruby red eyes, paper white skin. "Bat." His father hissed. The woman wore a long white dress which appeared to be a wedding dress. The top was lace and the bottom was torn and dirty but also looked like it had been burned and blood stained.
   His father held Janus behind him. "Aww how precious. I have an army. And after all the work you did to prepare for this day. All the work you did to keep us away and protect your tribe, was all for not. Ah the stories I told to come to this moment. Nothing will protect your serpent child from us, especially not a human."
   That was when she lunged at him and he shoved Janus at his wife. "Python!" She screamed.
   "Janus! Now!" Janus's father ordered as he held off the woman's powerful swipes.
   "No! Get back here with that demon child!" The woman hissed. She swung a large stone that landed in Janus's mother's skull. She fell and was no doubt dead in seconds.
    Janus screamed, "Mama? Mama!" He fell to his knees beside her.
   The woman smiled in victory. But was quickly attacked from the side by Python. "Janus run!"
   "Don't fight too much, your crown will fall, your highness." The woman laughed. She dug her nails into Pythons neck causing him to bleed profusely. His grasp on her weakened. Her grip didn't falter. She spun around and landed on top of Python. "Your boy is mine now." She ripped a chunk of scales out of his neck. Blood was everywhere. She licked her fingers before spiting the blood out. "Serpent blood. Disgusting." She began to approach Janus with a evil bloodied smile.
   Suddenly someone stood in front of Janus blocking the woman from getting to him. It was a fairly young boy. He was maybe in his teens. His skin wasn't quite pale. He had black hair, black nails, a black jean jacket with the sleeves torn off and a black hood, a gray t-shirt. He also wore a black skirt with black leggings and black combat boots. "Do not touch him. You may be queen but he is a child."
   "Get out of my way, my prince, or I will go through you." She hissed.
   "Yeah I don't think so," He turned around in a blur and then before Janus knew it he was picked up going way faster than he ever could imagine. Everything around him was a blur.
    "He won't always be a child. . ." Was the last thing Janus heard.

   Janus woke up out of breath. He sat up and held his hand to his neck. He wish he could remember who had saved him that day. That boy had been so kind. His face was a vivid image in his mind. He never got a name but he did get the title 'prince' to whatever he was.

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