Nightmare Pt. 4

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   Virgil laid in his bed and drifted off to sleep. Off to another restless sleep.

   Virgil was in a dark forest that went on for miles and miles. He could run for hours and still not seem to reach the end. He could smell the others. They were close by. One by one he began to track them down. He struggled not to rip their throats out when he bit down on their necks, tasting the disgusting newborn blood.
   He smelled the targeted one, Terrence. The one he was after. He locked on and spun around catching Terrence by the throat and slamming him onto the ground. He leaned down and then Terrence flipped over and Virgil was below him. Terrence having a leg on either side of Virgil. He reproducing Virgil now pinned. Virgil claimed at Terrence's arm. Virgil may be strong but Terrence was very strong willed. His arm didn't budge. "You're losing your touch, Virge."
  Terrence let Virgil up. He helped Virgil up. Then Virgil and Terrence were lost in a blur. When they stopped Virgil had Terrence's hands pinned above his head and he stood at and angle so Terrence couldn't successfully kick any special parts. Virgil was inches from Terrence's face. "I don't think so."
   "So close Virgil." Terrence teased.
  Virgil immediately let go and cleared his throat fidgeting. "It was a good hunt."
"Im sure," Terrence smiled and brought his arm down crossing them. "You had quite a bit of fun and immense control."
  "Control, yeah," Virgil blushed a little. The other newborns gathered around them.
   They groaned. "Virgil once again." "Queen's knight does it again." "Of course, he's a hunter" "The Queen's hunter"
  Virgil hated being referred to as the Queen's anything. He hated knowing he was this way because of a sick minded queen. He hated the fact that she owned him. The vivid memory of the time he was with her chained up would never escape him.
  "Yes and everyone here should know better than to whisper behind someone's back." Terrence warned rubbing his wrists. Everyone element silent and nodded. "Back to the house and up to bed. It's daylight in a few hours."
  Everyone obeyed including Virgil. Though Virgil hated that place. It was a huge beautiful Victorian building that had everything he could dream of but the smell of newborns made him sick. He would often lay awake unable to sleep the smell away.
  Even now standing close to the newborns sickened him. Thankfully the newborns with them were beginning to lose their newborn smell thought it took centuries to fully lose. Tomorrow Virgil would be out on hugs 1st real hunt. Now sent by the queen through Quil. Why the Quil was the 1st one the queen always used amazed Virgil. Quil never got a day of that they rightly deserved.
  Virgil felt bad for them. But Quil would be the one taking him tomorrow. Virgil had become really close with Terrence but barely got anything other than orders and a side glance from Quil. The queen had them wrapped around her fingers and it made Virgil angry.
  Virgil ran next to Terrence. When they got back to the mansion he and Terrence watched the others head off to their rooms. Rooms that locked just in case one of the newborns accidentally woke up with a madness hunger. Then Virgil followed Terrence to his room in the basement. It was a large room that Virgil loved. His room looked like a typical emo, rock teens bedroom from the 80's or 90's time period. He was proud of it.
  They shut the door and Virgil turned to Terrence and Terrence kissed him. "Come on, time for bed. You've got a big day tomorrow." Terrence lead Virgil to the big closet and they quickly changed. Admiring each other. Before Virgil could slip on his shirt, Terrence wrapped his arms around Virgil's waist. "Beautiful, as always." He let go and Virgil blushed again slipping on his shirt once more.
  Terrence was laying in the bed already. Virgil slipped into the bed next to him and turned away from Terrence. Terrence took the opportunity and laid up against Virgil. He wrapped his arms around Virgil and they just laid there. Virgil was tired and he was glad Terrence was there to find it him. Terrence seemed to be the only person.who ever cared about him.
  This had been his 1st official relationship. It was one of respect, trust, and honesty. "Will you be alright with the newborns on your own?"
  "Of course I will. Just promise me you'll be safe out there. It's a bit more dangerous that our little hunting game." Terrence reminded.
  "I know, I know." Virgil just stared straight forward.
  "Trust Quil, they aren't as bad as they seem." Terrence held Virgil tighter. Suddenly there was a crashing sound from upstairs.

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