Nightmare pt. 7

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(⚠️Refers to sensitive topics⚠️)
The day went by rather quickly. Janus spent most of the day talking about their pasts. Janus never left his room in fear of scaring the others. He couldn't blend in like Virgil could. Virgil had eventually snuck back to his own room after Janus had passed out. He had showered, changed, and had crawled into bed exhausted. Slowly his eyes closed.

Virgil stood outside the crypt. The crypt he hated that brought back memories. He was being held there. A tall strong man held him in spot. When the door to the crypt slid open he was basically shoved inside. He had been basically been dragged away from the new born house and back here. A few large men had been there waiting for him knowing it was his 1st official hunt for the missing royal.
He had failed to capture the heir and was dragged here as punishment. The men had been there to bring the Heir but got him instead. He stumbled inside and his wrists were chained again but this time they were chained apart and so was his ankles. The "Queen" must've gotten and upgrade. New torture chamber. When the man was done chaining him, Virgil hissed at him, "You should be ashamed."
Then the crypt door slid shut, sealing him in darkness. He waited for whatever punishment the queen would bestow on him. He heard another door once again slide open just like the 1st night. "Oh, it's my knight. I was so hoping for the prince."
"The heir does not want to be found. He has made it quite clear." Virgil growled trying to get out of the right grip of the cuffs on his wrists.
"Oh but that isn't up to you, is it knight?" Then she was right against him again. Her cold dead hand gripping his chin and holding it to the side. "And who said you could speak. Much less in that manner. Have some respect for your queen."
"You do not own me," Virgil hissed.
"Don't I?" Virgil felt her free hand dig into his hip. He let out another hiss, this time in pain. She let go of both his hip and face. "Time to show my knight how to give respect when asked."
"There is nothing you can do to me that you haven't already done." Virgil growled. He could feel the blood dripping down his hip from the chunk of skin she had taken from him again.
"Oh hunter, of course there is. And it will ensure you're obedience to me and only me. Don't you love it?" She sounded quite happy and pleased with whatever she was about to do. Virgil hissed in response. "We'll fix that. It's alright."
Virgil listened to the sound of the woman's heals walking around the room. She had probably grown the ability to see in the darkness because of living in it for thousands of years. Virgil couldn't see a thing. It honestly frightened him. He didn't what she was doing. He did his best to listen. His limbs were getting tired and sore and his wrists and ankles burned.
"There," He heard her get closer. She once again grabbed his jaw. This time she poured something into his mouth. He gagged and wreathed beneath her strong grip. Soon the liquid had made its way down his throat. Only a little had made it anywhere else. It tasted like blood. Which was strange because there was something else too. He just couldn't pinpoint what it was. "How do you feel my knight?"
"You son of a-" Virgil coughed. His fangs clearly showing.
"That's no way to speak to me." The queen almost seemed to laugh. Then he hear a blade come out of a holster. "You've got a long week ahead of you young knight." Suddenly Virgil felt a burning in his throat. Like whatever he'd drank was burning him from the inside out. He hissed in response. "Good, good."
Then when he calmed again she came back to him and cut open his shirt and cut open his sleeve on his jacket. The only comfort item he had. "Now let's begin. Now that you are worn out." A low tired growl escaped Virgil's throat. He heard her smile. Soon she began drawing on his skin. With a knife. Virgil cried out but soon he was nearly passed out. "When you wake up, you will be obedient to me and only me. And you will get my prince."

Virgil shot up in his bed, a silent scream in his throat. He touched his wrist and frantically looked around. Fear settling in. He mouthed for help but no sound escaped. Terror had buried his voice. He curled into a ball. Hide. He had to get away from her. His throat burned still. He gasped for air.

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