Chapter 17

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Alice’s fingers dance gracefully as she plays the keys of the piano, her music slowly blends to the small chatters of the patrons of the restaurant. Alice slowly closes her eyes as she let the notes of her music flow into her. As the music flows through the whole restaurant, Kate watches Alice with a small smile upon her face.

“You’re strong Alice, you’ve already come this far.” Kate says to herself. She then slowly closes her eyes with her chin resting at the back of her hand as she closely listen to Alice playing.

"Hello, nice to see you. My name's Harvey. Can I show you the menu and perhaps a drink to order?" Harvey asked enthusiastically after reaching Kate’s table, not noticing that it was her.

“Oh hey Harvey, no need for the formalities.” Kate said as she turns to Harvey with a smile on her face. As soon as Kate flashed her smile at Harvey, his face started to blush slight

“O-oh Kate, it’s you. W-well umm, what will your order be?” Harvey stuttered as he keeps his eyes on his notepad with his flushed face.

“Are you alright? Your face is a bit red.” Kate asked with concern as she looks at Harvey’s flushed face. Harvey then just nodded.

“Alright, if you say so.” Kate said with a giggle.

It was finally closing time for the restaurant and some of the employees started to clean the restaurant. Kate still stayed at her table as she patiently waits for Alice to come out from the employee’s lounge. With a glass of wine in her hand, she took a sip. She could’ve left early, but she chose to stay to wait for Alice.

“Hey, Kate you’re still here?”  A guy’s voice asks Kate. She then turned her face and smiled as she saw that it was Harvey.

“Yeah, I’m still waiting for Alice.” Kate replied as she sets her glass of wine down. Harvey has his sleeves up and was holding a mop as he talks to Kate. It was noticeable that he was trying to be relaxed while talking to Kate. But the slight blush on his face was saying the opposite.

After finally getting ready to leave, Alice then stepped out of the employee’s lounge. As she walks she unconsciously found herself smiling slightly, she was happy with the thought of Kate waiting for her in her head.

As she steps into the dining area of the restaurant, she quickly scouted her eyes to find where Kate was. When she finally found where Kate was, her small smile disappeared and she suddenly felt discomfort as she saw Kate talking with Harvey, the both of them smiling and laughing. Alice then wondered why she was feeling like that “Kate is just smiling and laughing with a guy, nothing’s bad about that.” She said to herself. Alice then took a deep breath to calm herself and walked towards the two.

“Hey” Alice said as she approached Kate.

“Hey Alice, should we go now.” Kate asked her

“Yeah, it’s pretty late. Your brother and Jenny might get worried.”

“Oh don’t worry; they know I’m having my night out, but then again it is late. Thanks for keeping me company Harvey.” Kate said with a smile on her face. As Alice saw Kate smile at Harvey, she once again felt discomfort but quickly tried to ignore it.

“No problem! Take care on your way home you two. Goodnight.” Harvey said as he left the two. Alice and Kate then set foot outside the restaurant to get into Alice’s car.

“Are you alright?” Kate asks Alice as she notices something about her.

“Yeah I’m alright. Let’s take you home now.” Alice responded with a slight smile on her face and started to drive.

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