Laurgelica - Finally Satisfied

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After Angelica gave her toast, she stepped out onto the balcony, trying to think clearly and just breathe.

Why can't you just be happy? This is Eliza's day, she wondered to herself, tears silently falling from her longing eyes against her face. Besides, you let this happen. Learn to live with it!

Do you honestly think that just because I let something happen, I have to like it? she argued back. Look at all the other things I let happen that I didn't like...

Don't skirt around it, Angie! You chose; accept the consequences. You aren't a child anymore, and you know how to share. See how happy Eliza is? Why would you want to ruin that? Stop crying and move on. You have to move on, if not for yourself, then at least for Eliza.

A young man interrupted her internal debate, waving a hand in her field of vision. Angelica leaped backwards in shock.

"Excuse me. I did not mean to startle you. Just looking at the birds, waving and watching them pass."

Angelica laughed despite herself. "You...did what? You left a perfectly good wedding to admire birds?"

"Yes. They're free. Like I hope we'll be. Besides, you left the wedding, too," he told her with a chuckle, but stopped laughing when he saw how pained she looked. "I saw you make that toast. It was wonderful!"

"Oh, that thing..." she trailed off, feeling like crying all over again.

"Are you all right?" he asked, concern in his voice.

"Oh, of course! I'm, we've grown up so quickly, and my sister's married already!" she lied. That clearly wasn't all of it.

"I do not even know your name, miss," he suddenly realized.

"My word! Well, I'm Angelica Schuyler."

"John Laurens."

There was something about Laurens that was different. Angelica couldn't quite place it, but it was there, and it--no. Look at you, she thought, how quickly you can switch from crying over Alexander to feeling for John like this--"like something sparked in me," you put it. Be sensible. You just feel so empty that you grasp at the next person who comes along. How pathetic. Pick something to feel and stick with it, you fickle child!

The other part realized that while she was making the toast and looking out into the crowd, there was someone gazing right back at her, but then he turned away at the end as if ignored.

He had the same vibrance and spirit she loved. How could she leave him waving through to her, waiting to be seen?

She couldn't.

Slipping her hand into his, she watched him light up, and the two were finally satisfied.

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