Pegbury - Lost and Found (Grayscale Soulmates AU)

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AU where you see in grayscale until you touch your soulmate.

"My scarf," I shout across the lunch table at my friends Charles and George, "is missing!"

Charles laughs good-naturedly. "Your scarf? Missing? You wear that thing every day! Remember, George, how he showed up to school in it when it was ninety degrees out? And he was dressed properly for the weather in every way but the scarf!" He slaps the table a few times before quieting down.

"I remember that," George replies. "Mr. Mell, a teacher who doesn't usually care about how the students are dressed beyond simple dress code, tried to tell him to take it off. He outright refused!"

"So how could he have taken it off some other time?"

"Hey!" I exclaim, crumpling a piece of aluminum foil into a ball, then flicking it at him. He responds in kind. "Can we just focus on finding it and stop caring about how it disappeared?"

"But it's too intriguing!" George says with a grin. "If Mr. Mell couldn't get you to take it off, no one can!"

"Whatever. Where can I find it?"

"I'll check my house," Charles promises. "You might have left it there when we were working on that project."

"I doubt that, but okay."

A day passes and still no scarf. Charles shrugs. "Sorry about that, Sam."

"It's fine," I reply, tugging at my shirt.

George walks in, smiling like he's lost his sanity. "Everything is so vivid!"

"Who was it?"

"I finally held Charlotte's hand!"

"Ah, the lovely Charlotte. Now all that's left is for me to teach you about colors."

Okay, so now I'm the only one in our group stuck in grayscale. How wonderful. It—it's not that bad anyways. I guess.

I decide to head to the office, where my scarf might be sitting in a bin. "Guys? I'm going to the office!" They look at me but, still on the subject of soulmates, remain unresponsive. Oh, well. I walk up a flight of stairs, my hand tracing trails on the railing while I count my steps. One. Two. Three.

I reach the office and search the bin. Nothing. I turn around and see a girl standing right behind me. She's carrying my scarf.

"That's mine!" I exclaim.

She places it in my hands, we touch, and I notice that something warm and cheerful is fading into her dress. The plant on the windowsill seems more lively and vigorous. Everything else in the room changes in the same way. I spin around with joy. This is almost unbelievable.

"Is this color?" I ask, confused and thrilled all at once.

"I think so. But I do not even know your name!"

"I'm Samuel."

"I'm Peggy."

My world has been changed in just one burst of light. Until today, I didn't really believe in fate, but if it weren't for me losing my scarf, I would have never met her. What else do you have to lose to gain?

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