Hercia - Safe (Modern AU)

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A/N: A sort of part 2 to "Never Thought I'd Be Wanted."

CW: non-graphic depiction of abuse

Even after her arrival at apartment 7D and the subsequent cutting of ties with James, Maria was still plagued by relentlessly restless nights. Tonight was the worst of it.

"Who have you been cheating on me with?" he demanded when she came home late. Rain pounded the windows and intensified her worry.

"N-no one!" she responded in a fearfully rising voice.

"Answer me, you liar."


"No! No! Please--just MAKE IT STOP!"

Another image was before her.

"You'll be on your own," he called from their room, "if you don't join me here."

The picture changed, almost like projected slides.

"Stop! No!"

"Why?" he asked mockingly before aiming another punch at her. "You're trying to leave, but you won't make it a day. You don't seem to appreciate what I'm doing--taking you in, since no one else would want you."

"No! Just--DON'T! Please. At the very least, for Susan," she begged, pointing down at the child she was carrying.

"Do I look like I care?" he spat.

Moments later, it seemed, she was screaming in agony when the doctors told her that Susan was dead before even seeing the light of day.

She woke up and turned around, then shoved her head into her pillow and cried. A soft voice came from beside her.

"Shh, it's okay. Everything is behind you, all right? You're safe now."

"If-if everything's behind me, w-why am I still seeing this? I'm not safe from my own mind, Herc, so is it really behind me?"

He didn't know how to respond. Instinctively, he placed a hand on her shoulder, then moved it to her forehead when she shrank back. Stroking her hair gently, he pondered a response. "You spent too long slamming on the brake before you even turned the key, forever walking on eggshells. And it's completely understandable that that still happens sometimes. It gets better." He paused, then added, "Go back to sleep, Ria. I'm here if that's too difficult. You've been strong for longer than anyone should have to be, so let me fight by your side. You don't have to do this alone."

Reluctantly, she closed her eyes, and he held her in his arms. Even though Maria was still frightened, knowing that someone was there to protect her and pull her out when her mind was taking her back helped her drift back to sleep.

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