No Escape

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I downed the last of my water which meant I could now allow myself a blessed cup of coffee. I savored the first sip as it touched my very soul.

"Hey, Hannah," Murphy said as he came into the kitchen

This week has been better. He had been talking to me, hanging around me, and even touching me when we would lay down at night. But things were still not back to before. To that place of happy perfection that in hindsight was way too good to be true.

"I'm heading to the gym, wanna go." He asked.

"I do."

"Really?" His eyebrows shot up.

I laughed. "At this point, I'd go anywhere with you." He smiled and I wanted to melt. "But I have to go meet Lacey," I said,

"Oh, are you getting breakfast," he asked.

"No. Today is her doctor's appointment."

"...and you are going with her?" He asked.

I shook my head, "no, I'm just meeting her so I can give her this." I slid the key sitting on the island toward him.

"What is it," he asked.

"A key," I said. Murphy narrowed his eyes at me. I laughed. "It's her house key," I explained.

"Why do you have a key to her house?" He asked.

I sighed and took a long pull from my coffee. This wasn't going to be fun to explain.

"Well, when we first got grounded by WWE in Florida. I was going to stay with her." I said.

"Yeah, then I invited you here," he said,

"Yes!" I said, trying to focus on the positive here. "but I know me, and how convinced I was that you were the most infuriating man on the planet. I figured the first time you pissed me off that I would go to Lacey's, then only speak to you when I had to add work." I said, Murphy gasped as though I'd punched him. "Lacey also had no faith in me, so she gave me a key, rather than waiting for that inevitable 2 am call."

"And then you just kept it? Even after..."

"We started dating. Yes,"

"Hannah," he ran his hand down his face.

"It was all me, I knew I was in love with you. But as I said, I know me. I know that I run. Lacey let me keep the key, just in case," I said.

"So why are you giving it back now," he asked. He was trying and failing, to keep the irritation, out of his voice.

I smiled widely despite the rising tension, "because you're stuck with me now, I am not going anywhere."

A half-smile broke through his angered expression. "I guess it is something that you are giving it back." He walked over to me and placed a kiss to my temple. "Now, I'm going to go to the gym and hit things."


"What are you doing," Murphy asked, as he walked into the living room.

I was sitting amongst four large boxes that I was pulling things out of. "unpacking," I said, I had Elena send me every last thing I left to her house."

"You still have four boxes," he shouted in disbelief. I guess he thought I had all of my stuff here by now. I probably should have.

"Apparently," I shrugged and finished folding the shirt I just pulled from one of the boxes. "I haven't seen this stuff since I packed it and sent it to Elaina's."

Road to Wrestlemania 2020: A Buddy Murphy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now