November 27th - Smackdown

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Billie Kaye swung at me. I dipped underneath her arm, grabbed it and pulled her to me, spinning her into a Murphy's Law.
DAMMIT! I thought before we even hit the mat. I am so dead.

I crawled over to Billie, throwing myself on top of her and waited for the three count. I checked out of my own head and went through the motions. I stood and let the ref raise my hand. I turned a full 360 in the ring before looking back into the camera and raising my hand again. It wasn't the same as being physically in front of thousands of people, but the Thunderdome was still an electric feeling.

I dropped to the mat and rolled out of the ring and walked up the ramp, trying to absorb as much of the adrenaline and good feelings before being yelled out. Because I knew that I was in trouble.

As soon as I was through the curtain, I saw Murphy. He was breathing hard. I gave him an odd look.

"Yeah, I ran to get here." He smirked.

"You were watching?"

"Obviously," Murphy said.

""What did Cole and Graves call it as?"

His smirk grew, "Murphy's Law."

"Fuck." I groaned and pushed my hand through my hair.

Murphy was visibly trying to keep from laughing, "You are in so much trouble."

"Hannah," A producer appeared suddenly beside us.

"I know, Carano wants to talk to me." I said.

The producer nodded. I looked up at Murphy, who was still smirking. I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

But he caught my arm, "It was a good Murphy's Law. I'm proud of you."


"What the hell was that?"

I didn't even get to shut the door behind me before Mark Corano spoke. His words were irritated, but his voice was level. I hung my head.

"Care to explain?" he asked.

I half-heartedly shrugged, "Murphy and I were practicing the move the other day. It was a good opening out there with Billie; I didn't even think about it."

"It is your job to think about it!"

"Actually it is my job to put on the best show and match I can. I nailed that move. Graves and Michael should have called it a pump handle death valley driver. That is what the move is. It's only Murphy's Law when Murphy does it. That's how finishers work."

Corano gave me a hard look. "But given that you are, on-screen, his ex-girlfriend and Aalyah is his present girlfriend. You doing his moves give the fans a reason to doubt him and Aalyah."

"I won't do it again," I said, "But it's still not fair to punish me for it. Rey does a hurricanrana all the time, but never gets in trouble for it being a HuricaHannah."

Corano looked unamused. "A hurricanrana is much more common than a pump handle death valley driver."

I nodded, "It is. But it's the same concept."

"Just don't do Murphy's finisher again." He said with a heavy exhale. "And change your gear. I know he changed his back to his original gear, but fans don't need another reason to connect you two together."

"Sure, why don't I just give these pants to Aalyah too. Won't be too hard, I've already given her my boyfriend."


"I won't do it again. My sister was finally able to bring me all of my old gear so I won't be wearing these anymore." I said and walked out before he could speak again.

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