First Date...7 Months Late

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I scrolled through the pictures that Seth had sent me. His sweet, baby girl was possibly the most precious baby I had ever seen. She was a whopping two days old and absolutely perfect. I only had three pictures of her, but had been staring at them for half an hour. There was just something so mesmerizing about babies.

My phone nearly slipped out of my hand as it vibrated with a new text. I got a good hold on it then read through the message.

Lacey: You are coming to workout with me then you are hanging out with me until Murphy picks you up. No arguments.

My face scrunched up as I read the message again.

Me: What? Are you kidnapping me? Why do I have to wait for Murphy to pick me up?

Lacey's reply was immediate.

Lacey: I can't tell you anything else. Ask Murphy. Be there in 30 minutes to pick you up.

I stared at the screen then looked down at myself. I was wearing Murphy's shorts and his t-shirt, which I had slept in the night before. I hadn't actually planned to do anything with my day. Other than cleaning the house, which I had finished an hour before. The last thing that I wanted to do was go change into gym clothes and then actually go workout.

"MURPHY!" I yelled.

"What?" He yelled back. Usually, he would come into the room to talk to me, but he sounded pretty far away.

I cocked my head to the side, trying to decide where in the house he was. He wasn't in the kitchen or downstairs bathroom; otherwise, I would hear him rattling around. But he didn't sound close enough to be in our bedroom which was just at the top of the stairs.

"Yes Baby?" he yelled again since I hadn't answered.

"Where are you?" I yelled back, forgetting that I actually had a question to ask him for the moment.

"Theatre room!"

I launched myself off the couch and headed down the hall to the theatre room which was Murphy's favorite room now that it was finished. Inside, he was sitting on the edge of a theatre seat, assaulting a PlayStation controller and staring hard at the huge tv screen. I leaned against the door frame.

"Can you talk?" I asked. I hated when anyone interrupted my video games.

The screen froze and the options menu popped up.

"Always, for you." He turned toward me.

"Wow, you paused a game for me." I laughed.

"True love." He said and smiled up at me. He leaned back in his chair and sat the controller on the side table. His hair was tied up into a bun. He was wearing glasses, which he rarely did. And was wearing athletic pants and a black t-shirt. He looked adorably normal.

It was a strange parallel to his on-screen self. But I liked this comfortable, relaxed version. This was the version of him that was just for me.

He raked his eyes slowly over me, and I felt extremely underdressed. My hair was a messy knot on top of my head. My face was red and splotchy after the mini facial I had given myself the night before. His clothes, on me, were too baggy and too long. I would have given anything to be able to snap my fingers and be in a dress and heels and full makeup. His eyes trailed back up me.

"Stop staring," I said quietly and crossed my arms, trying to hide.

"You stare at me all the time." He protested. "It's only fair."

"But you're hot," I said before I could stop myself.

His smile fell. He leaned his head back as though I had slapped him. "And you think you're not?"

Road to Wrestlemania 2020: A Buddy Murphy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now