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It was 15 minutes before Wrestlemania started when I unlocked the front door. I ran through the living room, stripped off my clothes once I was sure that Murphy was not in there. I rushed into the bathroom and jumped into the shower. I frantically scrubbed antibacterial body wash all over me.

Cleaning after leaving home during a global pandemic was almost hilarious to me. It was like watching an antigen outbreak on a horror film where patient zero is made to shower outside in cold water. I rinsed off and halfway dried off then rubbed lotion over my skin. I grabbed the set of clothes that Murphy had left for me. I pulled on my leggings and laughed when I realized that he'd given me his shirt. I took a half second to inhale his scent off the shirt.

My how things have changed.

I brushed my hair after towel drying it as best as I could without ruining the texture. Then I bolted out of the bathroom and into the living room. Murphy was sitting on the couch as the intro to Wrestlemania played on the screen.

"You were almost late."

"Sorry." I said. "What is it you told me once? Being in the main event is so annoying."

"You weren't in the main event." he playfully rolled his eyes.

"I was in a women's championship match at Wrestlemania." I said flatly. "That's way more important."

He shrugged, "You're not wrong. Did you win?"

"I guess you'll find out when we see the match."

"You're mean." He said as he extended his arm. I sat down next to him so close that I was almost sitting on top of him. His arm settled across my shoulders and he nodded to the coffee table. "I made popcorn."

"Oh, I love popcorn." I said and reached for a handful. Then looked up at Murphy. He was smiling down at me while Michael Cole's voice filled the background. "We're supposed to be watching Mania."

"You're more fun to look at," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "You're ridiculous."

Murphy leaned down to kiss my temple as I turned back to the tv.

I leaned more into him. Amidst the fear and panic that had become our everyday lives, he made me feel safe. The pandemic had gotten worse with no end in sight. Our careers were more up in the air than ever. Neither of us had stability except with each other. Who knew that we would become each other's security.

Over the past few weeks we had taken so many pictures for Instagram. My favorite was one of us laying on the floor together, being bored. Our fan's favorite was one of us full out kissing. That one had warranted a call from Mark Carano. He didn't stop smiling the entire zoom call. He was too proud of being an indirect match maker. Seth Rollins had also texted me with about time. He's liked you forever.

Lacey's words were my favorite: Finally, you should have just jumped him at Super ShowDown.

I wondered how this moment would look in a picture? Murphy's arm around me with one leg kicked up on the edge of the coffee table. He was wearing lounge pants and a We Are NXT shirt with his hair pulled back and his glasses. I looked a mess with wet hair, Murphy's shirt which was multiple sizes too big, and leggings-not even my cute leggings. Just a plain black pair from Walmart that holes that were not supposed to be there. Maybe this wasn't insta-worthy, but this was my favorite moment of us so far.

My entrance music blaring from the tv pulled me from my thoughts. I had gone earlier today to pre-record my match against Rhea since WWE has to limit how many of us are able to in the PC at once.

"I like your gear." Murphy smirked.

I looked at myself on the screen. I was wearing my usual black pants and top. But over that I was wearing a black shirt with Murphy's name down the side.

"Don't get too excited. Hunter made me wear it."

He rolled his eyes. "Well you're wearing my shirt now so I still win."

"Your clothes are comfy." I giggled.

Rhea made her way down to the ring then the match began. Murphy took his arm back and leaned forward, watching the match intensely. Rhea was connecting with every move. Murphy tensed with each hit I took.

I wrapped my hand around his arm. "Hey, I'm okay."

"Yeah, now. But there," he nodded toward the screen. "You're getting your ass kicked."

"I know. I was there." I joked. "But I'm fine now."

He sat back against me again and intertwined our fingers, resting our hands on his lap.

"Is that how you watch all of my matches?"

"Usually." He chuckled. "I know you're a wrestler. I know you can handle it. It's just a lot easier when you're winning."

"I know."

He raised his eyebrows at me. "How do you watch my matches?"

"Pretty much the same way."

He smirked. His adorable, infuriating, sarcastic smirk. "Aw,"

As he said that, on tv I landed a kick from the corner then a meteora. And just like that I was in control.

"Ow, geeze," Murphy winced as I hit my third. HuricaHannah. "Do you ever let up?"

I nodded toward the TV so that he looked back at it. I looped Rhea into my signature submission hold which was a modified Black Widow.

She tapped.

"No Way! You're NXT CHAMPION?" Murphy shot up from the couch, pulling me up with him. He hugged me hard. "Congratulations!"

I giggled at how excited he was for my victory. "Thank you."

"I'm so proud of you." He said as he pulled back to look me in the eyes. Then his lips met mine.

It was crazy to think that just a couple of months before I hated Murphy with every fiber of my being. Now, I never wanted to leave his side to go to my own room. I missed his touch as soon as it left and I couldn't wait for the next one.

Murphy pulled me back down onto the couch. And I snuggled up against him.

This Wrestlemanis will be one that is never forgotten. My moment was bittersweet. I should have gotten to share it with 70,000+ screaming fans. Murphy should have had his moment. I should have gotten to run down to the ring to kiss him in front of a capacity crowd on the grandest stage of them all.

But if I had to be in lockdown during a deadly global pandemic then next to Murphy wasn't a bad place to be. 

Road to Wrestlemania 2020: A Buddy Murphy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now