February 15: Disney Date

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The sights and sounds of Disney World were unmatched. It was a magical place where everyone was happy and stressed, but didn't care about being stressed. I stood in the center of Magic Kingdom staring up at Cinderella's Castle. Families bustled around: some were heading into the castle and others were taking pictures and others were being pulled around by their kids who were buzzing with wonderment.

"Earth to Hannah!"

I rolled my eyes but looked up at Murphy. "What?"

"Where are we going? Or are we just going to stand here all day?" Murphy asked.

I looked him up and down. He was wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt, and his hair was pulled back. He looked back down at me impatiently waiting for an answer to his question. I ignored him and the smile that was trying to appear on my face. His eyes were bloodshot and circled in shades of purple and blue. Mine looked much the same. Neither of us had slept after last night's live show, then we'd caught a plane at six this morning to end up in Florida. He'd gone home and I'd gone to Lacey's house. I was there for all of 45 minutes before I had to meet him for our fake date.

"Well?" he said.

"Hey you two." Chelsea Green said as she circled around us. "Not everything has to be an argument."

Chelsea and Zack had met us at the entrance when we arrived. And were already proving to be overbearing.

"I didn't even say anything!" I said with an offended gasp.

"Which you know is bothering him." Zack said. "Come on, at least try to get along."

I glared at him. He took Chelsea's hand and walked a short distance away, pretending to ignore us. But they were still staring at us.

"They are going to get on my last nerve." Murphy said with a sigh.

"Someone is cranky."

Murphy looked down at me, unamused. I looked down to the ground as my heart sank.

"Sorry," I looked around taking in the families and the sunshine. "We could just walk around or we could ride rides?"

Murphy shrugged. "Either is fine."

"You look so tired."

"I am." he chuckled.

"I'm sorry."

He half-smiled down at me. His eyes lit up just a fraction. "It's okay. Let's go to Tom Sawyer Island."

Murphy and I walked past Chelsea and Zack as we headed toward Tom Sawyer Island.

"You should hold hands while you walk places." Chelsea said as they fell into step behind us.

I glanced at her over my shoulder, "don't push it."

She laughed and I rolled my eyes. My hand involuntarily twitched toward Murphy's. I shoved it in the back pocket of my jeans. Murphy and I explored the island while Chelsea and Zack acted like Charlie's Angels around us. I was fairly certain that Chelsea was also taking pictures of us randomly.

Finally, we headed back across the little river.

"Let's ride the 7 dwarf thing." Murphy said.

"The rollercoaster thing?" I felt the frown take shape on my face.

"Yeah that would be it."

"I don't like rollercoasters." I said quietly.

"It's a baby rollercoaster."

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