Monday Night Raw - September 14th

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"You are going to WHAT?" I shouted.

"I told you she was going to be mad." Murphy said. I glanced up to him. He was leaning against the table across the room, already ready for the show in his black and silver pants and black top. His hair was already falling in front of his face. He crossed his arms over his chest while he glared at Brian's back.

Brian looked sympathetically at me. He and I were friends. A change in story as minor as this would usually come for a Writer's Assistant, I knew that he must have volunteered to give me this news himself. I took a deep breath to keep from yelling at him again.

"Who decided this was a good idea?"

"The entire team."

"Well you're all stupid. It's a horrible idea." my tone rose higher with each word. I stopped speaking before I started yelling again.

Irritation crossed Brian's face then quickly relaxed into stoic resolve. "I know you don't like it. But this is going to happen."

I scowled at him. My first instinct was to punch him in the face. But that was assault, would get me fired, and wouldn't solve anything. Still I wanted to punch something. My match against Asuka tonight couldn't come soon enough.

I had earned a Raw Women's Championship match against her last week. Once, I stepped away from Murphy and Seth, my career picked up as though I hadn't skipped a beat, which wasn't usual. It helped that Creative needed to keep me relevant so that I could be the catalyst for Murphy's turn on Seth. Not that it mattered now.

"So what am I supposed to do now? The plan the entire time has been for us to get back together on screen."

"I have a script here for you." Brian said as he handed me a small stack of papers.

I looked over the first page which was an outline to Seth's match tonight. It was pretty basic. Rey was going to come out to help Dominik. Murphy was going to take out Rey on the outside of the steel cage. Rey's wife, Angie, and daughter, Aaliyah, were going to be at ringside too. Seth was going to win then have a weird moment with Murphy before slamming him into the cage and proceeding to hit and yell at him. Seth would leave, the Mysterio's went into the ring to check on Dominik.

My stomach sank as I read the last line.

Aailyah stops on her way into the ring to check on Murphy. She places a hand on his arm, looking at him sympathetically.

My free hand clenched into a fist. They were giving my boyfriend away to a 19 year old girl. I scanned the next few pages, which was the storyline advancing over the next few weeks. I appeared a handful of times, but nothing significant. The last set of pages were for my storyline that would become completely separate from Seth and Murphy. It would be like I was never part of them.

"Fine." I said through clenched teeth.

Brian nodded once then left the room. He was probably worried I'd yell again if he tried to speak.

I looked up to Murphy. He looked ill. His face was paler than usual. His eyes were narrowed and his shoulders were squared and tense. I got the feeling he had crossed his arms to keep from punching something.

He opened his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to stop him.

"It sucks." I whispered. "We both know that."

"I hate it."

"Me too." I walked over to him. He opened his arms so that I could lay against his shoulder. His arms enveloped me and he kissed my hair. I savored the moment before speaking again. "But, getting to be baby face with the Mysterio's isn't a bad place to be."

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