Monday Night Raw July 27th

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I inhaled deeply as I waited for Murphy to open my door. We had just arrived at Raw, and tonight was my full out babyface turn. Tonight, I was to break up with Murphy on-screen.

My car door opened with a squeal and I smiled up at Murphy. He reached for my hand which I gave him as I stood up. We grabbed our bags and headed inside, hand in hand.

"I gotta go to the locker room." I said as I pulled him to a stop. My eyes scanned over him. He was just wearing jeans and a t-shirt with a backward hat, but the sight of him still made my heart flip and my stomach fill with butterflies.

"Why are you staring at me?" He asked, his accent made the words sound more harsh than I knew he meant them. I looked up to his face. He looked worried.

I smiled and bit my lip, attempting to be flirty. His eyes softened and dropped to my lips. So I guess it worked.

"Cause I like you."

He rolled his eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah, I like you too."

He bent down and brushed his lips against mine. The butterflies erupted in my stomach again. That feeling was never going to get old.

"I'll see you once I get ready." I said then stepped closer to him. I pushed my palm against his chest as I stretched up to meet his lips.Our lips moved together for just a moment before I pushed away from him and grabbed my bag in one motion.

"Yeah," he watched as I walked away. "Maybe hurry."

I glanced at him over my shoulder and smiled brightly.

"I'll do my best."

Later that Night

I was finally completely ready for the night. I wasn't wrestling or interfering in any matches, directly) so I didn't change into my gear. Instead, I was wearing a white tank top with black, faux leather pants. My hair was down and had been flat ironed until it laid against my shoulder stick straight. Lacey had done my makeup since our makeup artists still weren't allowed (yay COVID *eyeroll for days*). I had asked for natural and that's what I got, but with a romantic pink glow thrown in.

I headed into the screening room, trying to find Murphy.

"Hannah Rae!" I heard Seth before I saw him. His voice rose above all of the noise in the room and made me jump a bit.

"Sorry," He said as he closed the distance between us.

"It's fine. What's up?"

"Murphy said that if I saw you then I should tell you that he is waiting for you in the holding area."

"But no one is there right now. The show doesn't start for an hour and a half."

Seth nodded once. "I think that was his point."


"Yeah, and his phone is broken."

"That's his second phone in three months!"

Seth held up his hands. "Don't shoot the messenger."


I made it to the holding area within a couple of minutes. Murphy was sitting in one of the chairs against the back wall of the small space. When I walked in he glanced up. His eyes roamed over me, from my hair to my high heels. Then again.

"You can pick your jaw up off the ground anytime you'd like." I quipped with a smile.

"I don't think I can actually." He stood up and crossed to me in three steps. "You look beautiful."

Road to Wrestlemania 2020: A Buddy Murphy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now