Halloween Night

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The living room was a bit overdone, I'll admit. I love Halloween...maybe a bit too much. But this year, there was nowhere else to go. And my niece and nephew were virtually trick or treating, and the first stop was my house. I wanted them to see that their Aunt Hannah was still just as extra now as I was when I was home with them.

There were LED candles lit all around the room and purple and green lights backlighting the couch. I had fake cobwebs on the wall behind the couch - which is what they would see on Zoom. And there was a jack-o-lantern on each of the end tables that Murphy and I had worked hard to carve. Okay he worked hard. I hated touching raw pumpkin. But his jack-o-lantern faces looked better than mine would have anyway.

I stirred the apple cider on the stove, inhaling the warm cinnamon scent. Murphy walked into the kitchen as he pulled a black shirt over his head.

"Hi," I said as I smiled over at him.

"Hey, Love." he kissed me lightly then inhaled over the pot I was stirring. "That smells so good."

"How was the gym?" I asked.

"It was good. I didn't do much." He said, gesturing to his shoulder. He seemed annoyed for just a flicker of a second then he changed the subject. "When is your sister calling?"

He leaned against the counter next to me and crossed his arms. A similar image flashed in my mind. Him congratulating me after the Royal Rumble, standing just as he was against the counter, but against the wall outside the women's locker room. He had smirked and said congrats love. I had never wanted to punch him more than in that moment. I bit my lip to keep from kissing him now.


"Yeah? Sorry. My sister..."

He laughed, interrupting my babbling. "What were you thinking about? You're blushing so hard."

"Uh," I giggled. "The Royal Rumble."

He raised an eyebrow at me as I tried to remember how to speak.

"When you congratulated me, you were standing against the wall like that."

He looked down at how he was standing.

"How do you remember that?"

"I don't really know. It annoyed me so much then...I guess it just kind of stuck in my head."

"Is there any time from then that you weren't annoyed with me?" he asked, oddly serious now.

I shook my head. "Not really." He frowned and looked down. I walked in front of him and placed my hand against his cheek. "You just have no idea how hard I had to work to not like you."

He looked up at me, half-smiling. "I was a little mean to you."

"I was meaner."

"Yes, you were." he laughed and wrapped me in a hug. "But look at us now."

"Did Lacey ever tell you about Super Showdown?" I asked against his shoulder.

"No, I never asked again." He ran his hand over my back. "But you could tell me."

I stepped back and leaned against the island just a couple of feet from Murphy. "I annoyed her that entire trip."


"I'm getting there." I said. He motioned as though he was zipping his lips. I smiled and rolled my eyes before continuing. "You woke me up the morning of our flight. You know now that I never oversleep, but I did then. I was having a dream....about you."

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