Chapter 42. PTSD

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Third Person

     Darrian and Madison's laughter filled the room as Maddox sat in the corner observing silently. They were rambling about social media crap that he didn't understand nor care to. While they rambled his mind drifted to one of the many dark times in his life.

"MADDOX!" His father Leonardo, yelled in ear as he held a struggling Maddox on the table."You've been a very bad boy. You're six you should no better not to piss the bed." He whispered menacingly."Maria, let's teach this little brat how to behave."

Maria approached the scared little boy with a smile as she ran her hands through his hair."Oh my poor little boy." She sang quietly as a tear trickled down his cheek. Maddox was used to his father's beatings but his mother joining in made his heart stop."Maybe a little lesson will teach you better, no? I think it will." With that said she dug the knife into his skin.

The piercing pain that shot through his body was unexplainable to the six year old boy but so was the look on his so called parents faces."Get the bleach." Maria sneered to her husband. Nodding he let the boy go so he can fetch the bleach."Don't move or this will be a lot worse." She growled as Leonardo approached."It will be over very soon." Then she poured the bleach on the wound." Scream after scream left the poor boys mouth as he cried out for help, but let's be honest who would enter the Esposito house.

"Dox, are you alright?" That beautiful voice made him come back to reality. Giving a half hearted smile he replied with a simple 'yes' and took their plates to the sink to wash. Madison mouthed 'what happened' and Daz replied with telling her to follow him outside."So?"

"I'm not gonna stand here and pussyfoot around it." Madison was caught off guard by his sudden tone."Maddox is fucked up really bad and if you stay with him you'll be the same, so do us both a favor and just say away from him. He's been through a lot and doesn't need some fake love shit or someone else he cared about and hurt." Madison stood there in shock as Maddox stood on the other side of the one sided window waiting for her response anxiously.

"You're an ass." She whispered-yelled so Maddox who she thought was in the kitchen wouldn't hear."I can't believe you just said that shit. He's your fucking friend you're supposed to be supportive and happy for him. Ugh! I could care less what he's been through because I fucking lov-" she stopped once she realized what she said. Maddox froze. Love? Such a foreign word to him, but still it made his heart throb. He slowly turned from the window and walked to his safe place as dark thoughts followed.

"I think you should leave." She whispered weakly. Love. She loved him and they haven't even been dating for more than a month."Fuck." Walking towards the kitchen she notices he's not there and let's put a little laugh knowing exactly where he is. She stared in amazement as he played 'the End of the World'. She closed her eyes like he told her to do before and her mind drifted like an edit of the past two months then to today. What happened to him?

"Come sit and I'll tell you." Slowly she took a seat next to him and was welcomed with his smell of dark vanilla and cigars. He never stopped playing the piano while the words fell out of his mouth."My mother wanted a kid so bad that she begged my child hating father to help her conceive one. Nine months later I came out and she was ecstatic." He gave a sly smile."Fast forward five years my father started to beat me like I was some punching bag. I got locked in the basement, starved, cut, whipped etc. Anything you can think of I probably got it." He chuckled.

"A year later my mother found me bleeding on the floor and she started chewing out my father, but he didn't care. After that she started drinking and then she started joining in on the beatings which shattered my world but they whispered things to me that made me feel like I deserved it like that was how love was shown and for years I thought it was. Three years later I was walking in the park and say a family gathering, Daz's family gathering actually, and it was stunning. They were hugging, laughing, and fucking smiling and for the first time in four years I cried myself to sleep thinking it was my fault. Then I learned I just have sucky ass parents."

Madison was star struck that he was pouring his heart out to her and still ironically playing the piano."After I figured out that they just sucked I told a teacher because they always told me that bullshit that 'they'll always be there for me' but they didn't do shit when they figured out my parents were Esposito they didn't do shit." He growled and stopped playing the piano out of pure rage. He hated talking about this but he felt safe with her. Madison quickly spat out a question 'why didn't they do anything' and he replied just as quickly."They're businesses could knock down anyone." Letting out a 'oh' he continued.

"The teacher told my parents and they were so pissed that they sent me to a mental asylum where I got molested by a fifteen year old girl who was also the-" stopping he looked at her with a sad smile."Long story short I had a fucked up life and I'm really glad that I've got you." She leaned in and kissed his cheek and whispered sweet nothings in his ear.

"Keep playing." He did as he was told and kept playing. Some people might think that someone that just spilled their heat out like that would want a 'I'm sorry that happened' or 'you didn't deserve it'. But Madison knew better she knew that he didn't need pity he just wanted her to listen and listen she did. Daz was correct their relationship wasn't going to be rainbows and puppies but who's is? Maddox can't lose Madison and no one will ever do anything to take her from him not even the devil himself.

They both say there listening to the soft melody being played and thought about one thing. Love.
Everyone cuss me out for being gone for year!🤪 Now that that's out of the way let me just say I'm sorry. It's been a long ass year and I just can't 🙄. Anyways I got my drivers license and I plan on getting my shit together especially my comma game

 Anyways I got my drivers license and I plan on getting my shit together especially my comma game

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Also my printing messed up for some reason but I'll fix that lol. Also really sorry for all the dialogue in this chapter but I had a lot to say.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2021 ⏰

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