Chapter 15. Sadness and Change

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"No his poems were inspired by women. Shakespeare was a lover." Mr. Payne said as he slid onto his desk."His inspiration was woman."

"So he was a player?" Mr. Payne shrugged. Jake laughed."You a player, Payne?"

"I believe a player gives you false hope in a real committed relationship. I, on the other hand, have my fair share of woman, but I don't give them false hope. So no, I don't consider myself a player, Dawson." Jake scoffed.

"Anyways, Shakespeare wrote plays, obviously, but he wrote plays for a certain heir. For example, Queen Elizabeth loved to laugh so he wrote comedy for her. The queen after her loved tragedy, hence the classic 'Romeo and Juliet'. The king loved historian tales so he wrote 'Hendry the fourth'. Do any of you know why he changed the writing style for the specific royal?" The room fell silent."Thought so, he did this to please them so he wouldn't end up dead."

"They kill you if they're not pleased?" Mr. Payne nodded and hopped off the desk.

"Yeah basically, if they were unpleased you were decapitated. Seems fair." He chuckled to himself. Which made me smile."So you will be telling me which play he performed on Christmas Day for Queen Elizabeth. Madison." I looked up."If you need me come down, okay?"

"Yes sir." He nodded and walked to his desk chair.

"Get to work." I quickly grabbed my textbook and flipped through the pages.

I'm hopeless. Where the actual fuck can I find this shit? Groaning I walk over to Mr. Payne's desk.

"Mr. Payne." He lifted his head then an eyebrow.

"Yes, Ms. Ross?" Walking to the back of the desk I point to the text.

"Is this a grade because I can't find shit?" He chuckled with no form of humor.

"You have such a foul mouth." He grabbed my arm bringing me closer to him. My eyes widen as pain shot up my arm."I let it slide the other times but now it's pissing me off. I hear you cuss in front of me one more time they'll be extreme consequences. Do you understand?" I nodded."Words." He seethed.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again. Now please let me go you're hurting me." He quickly let me."I'll just ask Jake for help." I went to walk away when he slammed his fist on the desk making the students head snap up and make me jump.

"SIT!" His voice boomed. I quickly ran to the seat next to him scarred of what he would do next."Get back to work." The students followed his command and got back to their textbooks."257." He mumbled as he regained his seat. I flipped to the page."What play was it?"

"Love's Labour Lost." I whispered.

"Louder." He growled. I felt tears well up in my eyes.

"Stop yelling at me!" I shot out of my chair and slapped him."I hate you." He didn't even blink. I stormed out of the class into the bathroom."Why does he always lash out at me?" I cried as I slumped on the restroom wall. The doors busted open.

"Are you okay?" Asked a panic Tonya. As her and Bree rushed by my sides.

"Yeah girl, you good?"

"I don't get why he's so cruel to me? I did nothing to him. Yet he makes my life so complicated. He's mean then he's nice. And why is he so mad at me when he's the one who took my first kiss?" I sobbed.

"HE KISSED YOU?!" They yelled at the same time. I nodded with tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes.

"Awe sweetie, come here." Bree said, I crawled into her arms and cried. After ten minutes of crying my eyes out on the bathroom floor, I cleaned myself up and walked to the Principals office.

"You sure you want to do this?" Tonya asked as I was about to turn the knob. I nodded and she gave me me an unsure smile."Okay good luck." I turned the knob and entered Harris's den. He looked up with a smile.

"Yes, Ms. Ross?" I took a seat on the chair in front of his desk.

"Um I was wandering if I could switch professors." His smile dropped.

"Ms. Ross, I don't quite understand. Mr. Payne will guarantee you one of the best educations you will ever receive" I sighed.

"How do you know?" Harris grinned.

"His IQ rates over 290." My mouth fell open."He's a very intelligent figure. This is why I do not understand why you want to switch." I closed my mouth and answered-

"Exactly my point Mr. Harris. He goes too fast for me my IQ is lower than his after all, especially in this subject that he is teaching. So I ask again may I switch teachers?"

Sighing he looks at his computer." How does Mr. Odell sound?"

Check out my other stories "Mafia Love" and "Our Darkest Sides".

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