Chapter 29. Knowing Mr. Payne

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        "You comin?" Tonya asked. I shook my head."Okay, I'll see you later." I waved as I turned back to a still reading Mr. Payne.

"Yes, Ms. Ross?" He asked still looking at his book. I took a deep breath and walked towards him. He finally looked up.

"This is weird and awkward but I want to know more about you. You seem like a cool superhuman." I said with my head down.

"Why not. What do you want to know?" I finally looked up and saw that he was smiling. I walked closer to his desk.

"Okay, where's Prague? Don't you need him?" He shook his head."Do you use a walking stick?" He shook his head again."Omg what do you use?"

"My hearing, I just listen." Oh that makes sense I guess."Anything else?"

"Harris said you were super duper smart. How high is your IQ?"

"897." You can't be fucking serious. How-never mind.

"I don't think that's humanly possible." He chuckled."Anyways next question. Um how old are you?"

"30." Okay ten years older than me."Is that all?"

"No, I was wandering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends tomorrow?" Please say yes. I'm gonna cry.

"Um sure." Yes! I ran behind his desk and hugged him. He was hesitant but soon wrapped his muscular arms around me.

"Well I got to go so I'll see you tomorrow." I said as I picked up my backpack from the floor.

"Ms. Ross." I stopped and turned towards him."How exactly do you expect me to contact you?" I'm such an idiot.

"Sorry, hand me your phone." He shook his head while chuckling then pulled out an iPhone 11 pro. I'm gonna choke and die. Leave me here to rot."Mr. Payne, how do you have an iPhone max?" I asked baffled.

"Oh that's what it is? My friend bought me it for my birthday a couple of months ago. Why? What's so shocking about a phone?"

"Nothin." Oh I don't know probably the fact that shit cost 700 dollars.

I quickly typed my phone number in and saved my contact."Here you go. I'll see you later, friend."

"No, don't say it like that."



"I can't hear you, friend, I'm already out the door."

"You're such a child!" I heard him yell as I ran down the hall laughing.
"Wait who did you invite?" Claudia, my other friend, asked.

"My professor." I said in a duh voice. Everyone looked at me.

"So some old dude?" Oscar laughed. I glared at him.

"He's only 30 you dick." I seethed at him from the booth I was sitting at."And all of you better be nice."

"Or what?" Tony mocked.

"Nah seriously. Be. Nice." Jake said slowly."He really doesn't play around." I laughed at Jake's facial expression. He looked so scared.

As we continued to talk I felt a buzz in my pocket. I smiled as I read the text and figured out it was Mr. Payne."He's here!" I yelled as I jumped up from the booth. All the people in the restaurant looked at me."Sorry." I apologized as I slowly jogged out of the restaurant.

"There you are. Come on." I pulled-well tried to.

"What's Cheddars?" I stopped and stared at him dumbfounded.

"How do you not know what Cheddars is?" He shrugged.

"I've only been in America for a few months."

"No excuses. Just wait until you try their food. Now come on." I begged as I tugged him into the restaurant."You guys this is Mr. Payne." Everyone looked up. Mouths open and shock clear in the people's eyes that didn't know him.

"Hey, Mr. Payne." Tonya and Bree waved.

"Hello, Summers and Gonzalez." He replied back as he slid into the booth next to me.

"So um what's your name?" Claudia asked. My eyes bulged. I didn't even know my new friends name. I'm a fucking idiot.

"Maddox Payne."
Okay so I'm bored😂  I'm gonna ask a question comment if you like.

What sports do you play in your school? I play football(yes with the boys), basketball and that's all because I'm lazy.

Knowin each other already.😉🤓

Check out my other stories Mafia Love and Our Darkest Sides.

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