Chapter 32. My Peace

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Maddox Payne

"MADISON!!" I yelled as I heard the door slam. Damn. Sighing I sit back on my bed. Closing my eyes I steady my breathing. "" I count slowly but it doesn't work. Images flood my mind. The war. The abuse.

"You'll never be loved." He mocks on. Shaking my head, I try to make the images leave, but they won't. He won't. "She never saved nor had the time to care for you. Now here you are blind and alone."

"STOP!!" I yelled as I continued to shake and bang my fist against my head.

Barks rang through my ears. I reach out and  Prague's head comes in contact with my palm."Get the pills." I commanded as I stroked his sides. Doing as he was told he left. As I heard his paws against the wood I stuck my hand out. Dropping the bottle in my hands I stand up and open the cap popping one of the pills in my mouth.

Heading towards my dresser."Here boy." I threw his toy and he chased after it.

They're gone, Maddox. You won, Maddox, remember that.

Walking out of my room I head for my wine  cellar.

Running my fingers over the many bottles I choose the one on the far right

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Running my fingers over the many bottles I choose the one on the far right. Grabbing a cup I walk out into the backyard with Prague in pursuit. The sound of rain hitting the ground and Prague's paws jumping around in the puddles filled my ears. Shaking my head I take a seat and pour the liquid in the cup.

Bringing it to my lips I chug it down.

I was rude towards Madison. I made her cry. She ran out. Is she okay? She could be dead because of me.

Taking another sip I let my conscious get the best of me. I hurt her feelings all because of my stupid ass anger. She ran out. She could be hurt and it's all because of me. I'm such a dumb ass. And to top it all off, I don't even know why I care. I never do. I mentally and physically hate everyone and life.

Slipping out of my thoughts I listen to Prague playing in the water. A few seconds later I hear someone else's footsteps. Groaning I chug down one more cup then respond."What do you want?"

"My phones dead and I'm cold." Realizing it's Madison I give her a warm smile trying to be nice. Something that's new to me."Can you bring me home?"

"It's not safe."I replied bringing the whole bottle to my lips instead of a cup."But you can stay here."

"I don't want to." She stated. Even when she's angry she still sounds like an angel. I can't take her seriously.

"Tough, now come here." Hearing her footsteps against the puddles I know she's doing as told to. Stopping close to me I pull her onto my lap.

"What the-"

"I'm sorry, I have really bad anger issues, but I'm not excusing what I told you." I told her not wanting her to know about the other issues."And I know I apologize to you for everything but I really mean it when I say it to you. I've never apologized to anyone besides my grandmother in my miserable life." Taking a deep breath I continue-"I don't know why I'm doing this but in some weird way I want to.....Madison, will you please let me take you out on a date?" Nervously I wait for a answer but instead I hear laughter.

"This is your last chance, Mr. Payne, but to answer your question yes I'll go on a date with you."

Smiling I pull her head down and capture her lips in a kiss, but she quickly pulled away making me angry."I-um I don't know how to." She stated nervously.

"Just follow my lead, piccola." I soothed as I tangled my fingers in her hair and brought her back down to my lips. Hesitantly she followed the movement of my lips and soon got the hang of it making me smile into the kiss.

 Hesitantly she followed the movement of my lips and soon got the hang of it making me smile into the kiss

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As I attempted to slip my tongue into her mouth trying to deepen the kiss she pulls away.

"Maddox, I'm cold." She whined. Sighing I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me.

"Come on, Prague." I called out as he pushed passed me making me stumble back and Madison giggle."Dick." Walking inside I bring her into my room. Placing her on my bed I walk to my drawer and take out a pair of my boxers and a shirt."Okay, take a shower then put these on."


"I'll be downstairs. Meet me there when you're done." With that said Prague and I walked out. Making my way back to the wine cellar I grab a bottle of Pinot Grigio and a cup."I drink too much." I chuckled to myself as remembered my other empty wine bottle outside. Pushing through the door I head to my peace room.

Walking in I take a seat on the bench and drink my wine waiting for Madison

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Walking in I take a seat on the bench and drink my wine waiting for Madison.

After a good 45 minutes I hear her."Maddox, where are you?" She yelled.

"In here." I called back as I hear her tiny footsteps approaching.

"Omg do you play?" Nodding I pat the bench next to me.

"Close your ey-"

"Why?" She cut me off.

"Because it's better. Now clo-" oh my fucking gosh.

"How is it better?"

"If you would let me talk you you would know. Now close your ey-"

"But why?"

"Damnit, Madison, just close them." I scolded.


"Are they closed?" I asked.

"Yeah." Nodding I place my fingers on the keys and played one of my favorite Beethoven songs "Silence". As my fingers danced over the keys it felt like all the trauma went away. No more abuse. No more war. Just the music.

"Woah." She stated stunned."That was amazing but why did I have to have my eyes closed." Reaching up I grab the glass and take another sip.

"Because I believe if you have your eyes open you'll get distracted and not pay attention to the message it gives."

"Do you know any other pieces?" Nodding I place my fingers back on the keys and play her another song.
Picking her up I carry her into my bedroom and cover her with the blanket."Goodnight, piccola." I whispered as I placed a kiss on her forehead.

Leaving the room I go to the couch and slowly drift off to sleep with Prague on my chest.
Check out my other stories Mafia Love and Our Darkest Sides.

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