Even Now - Chapter 17 "Betrayal"

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Chapter 17 —Ulquiorra—


Everybody must have ever betrayed someone at least once in their life. That was just how things went. You betrayed and got betrayed. You hurt and got hurt.

But when you loved, didn't mean you'd be loved back.

It was almost like a jungle's rule, eat or be eaten. The strong ones ate the weaklings. That was how I saw the world. Humans were just no different than the animals. Maybe even worst because animals didn't know what was called 'betrayal'. 'To betray' is a word made by human and done by human only.

"I need to crush him, Ichigo Kurosaki, and you will help me."

I had never known who Kurosaki was before. I didn't know what he had done to piss someone like Aizen off but I didn't care. What he had done was none of my business. I just had to do what I'd been told.

"That girl, bring her here... I want you to bring Orihime Inoue to me."

I also had never known who she was. Orihime Inoue, one of the most popular girl in the town. I'd heard about her, definitely, what I'd meant was. I didn't know what kind of girl she was. It seemed that she had been really important for Kurosaki, that meant she was also really important for this plan.

"She is not stupid, you should get her trust first. Take your time, make her believe you. It will disturb Kurosaki indeed, but that's exactly why it'll be interesting."

To make her believed me then betray her. That sounded too cruel but that was what I should do. I just had to betray her, that shouldn't be hard for me. That shouldn't be complicated.

That had been so wrong.

It has been hard.

And hurtful.

First time I saw her, I mean really saw her, she had pissed me off. This girl smiled too much. She was so bubbly that it seemed like she had no problem at all. It was easy to spot her even in the crowded. I saw how a certain scowling orange head couldn't took his eyes away from her. I could understand that though. I wouldn't admit it but since the beginning it had been so hard even for me to take my eyes off her.

"How was is? She seemed accepted you quite well."

I was looking right into his eyes, he wouldn't believe me if I dared to look away when I was talking with him. Not that I intended to lie to him. It would be useless, this man could read me.

"It goes well. As planned, she trusted me."

I bit my tongue, tried to hold myself from saying anything unnecessary.

"How about him?"

I knew who he meant with 'him'.

"He doesn't like me, of course." I remembered the way Kurosaki looked at me every time I was with that woman, "He warned me once not to get too close to that woman." I didn't think what made me say it but I couldn't stop myself, "I think Kurosaki suspect me."

He chuckled, "Non sense. He is just jealous..."

I didn't deny it. I knew it was true.

"So, how is she? The goddess..." he smiled, he rested his face on his palm, "Is she really as beautiful as in the photo?" He didn't wait for me to answer that question. Slowly his smile turned into a smirk, "I can't wait until you bring her to me... I want to know whether her skin is as smooth as it looks like or not."

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