Even Now - Chapter 7 "Memories"

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Chapter 7 —Ulquiorra—


Once upon a time we were friends.

There were times where we walked side by side. She would talk about random things in her head and I would listen to her. She talked about many things, there were a lot of interesting things she said to me, and I still remembered those things until today. About her dreams, about the puppies she saw, about the little green men or gigantic robot, or about him.

She would smile and I would feel that weird feeling in my chest.

Some time we lay on the grass, watching the stars. She would wait for a shooting star and when she saw one she would pull my sleeve, telling me to make a wish.

I still remembered it.

She would close her eyes and pray.

I knew she would not tell me but I would still ask her what her wish was. I asked her only to see her shy smile. She would smile shyly and tell me it was a secret. She could not tell me because then the magic would be lost.

She did not have to answer it.

I knew.

She wished for him.

Always him.

I was a freak. Everybody feared me, if not hated me. They said that I was scary, or intimidating. Only her, someone who ever told me that I have a funny face.

"You know, Ulquiorra-kun, you have a funny face."

I looked at her confused.

She quickly added, "Not in the bad way… I mean, when was the last time you smile?"


She flashed me with that one million dollar smile, "Here…" she touched the skin between my brows with her index finger innocently, "This part would be like Ichigo's if you don't start smiling from today…"

She was the only one who made me feel that I was a human, too.

She was different.

She was beautiful, pure, innocent,


"What happened with you?"

"I'm fine, Hime…"

"But you're bleeding!"

"It's normal, I am a man…"

"It's not that! You at least have to clean it!"

I looked at the couple.

She looked worried and he tried to convince her that he was fine. I watched her as she clumsily dove into her purse to find a bandage. He told her again that he would be okay and that he would take care of the scratch when he was home. Of course she would not listen.

Ichigo Kurosaki was a lucky man.

If I had someone I hated so much in this world it should be Ichigo Kurosaki. I hated him but she loved him. I wanted to hurt him, to kill him but I did not want to hurt her, and to hurt him without hurting her in the process was impossible.

We talked about it once.

I knew he never really liked me.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

Orihime was nowhere to be seen at that time. I assumed that she whether had a class or being with that karate girl.

"Like what?"

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