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"I want the window seat!"

"But it's my seat! Look, it says it right here on my ticket"

"So what, you know I don't like sitting at the end"

"Would you two stop it! I'm sitting near the window and that's it", I whisper shout as I plop down near the window. Both Sebastian and Anthony stare at each other, shocked. "You snooze, you lose", I hum as I get comfortable. They continue to stand and I sigh as I see a line forming behind them. I grab Sebastian's hand and yank him down. "Would the two of you sit down, you're causing traffic", I whisper as some of the passengers send dirty looks our way. Anthony sits down as well. "I hate you both" Anthony says as he sits in the seat beside the aisle of the plane. He angrily slips on a neck pillow and I laugh as his face scrunches up. "Anthony, I think your neck pillow is a little too small"

He turns around, with the pillow still around his neck and I can't help but laugh out loud. Sebastian looks at his best friend and covers his mouth to refrain from laughing out loud. "Let me see it", I say as he hands me the pillow. I laugh even more as I read the tag on the pillow, handing it back to him. "Anthony, this is a neck pillow for children". He grabs the tag and sighs as he reads it. "Dammit"

I feel bad so I grab my own neck pillow and hand it to him. "Here, take mine". He looks at it and then at me, a small smile forming on his lips. "You sure?". I nod my head encouragingly and he grabs it. "What about you? Won't you be uncomfortable?"

I shake my head no and point to Sebastian. "I'll just use Sebastian's broad shoulders as a head rest". Anthony makes a gagging sound as Sebastian's face turns a shade of pink. "Also, it's payback for Austtalia", I add. "Australia?", Anthony asks as he slips my neck pillow on. "Yeah, when we were travelling to Australia I let Sebastian sleep on my shoulder because he was uncomfortable"

"Just get married already", Anthony laughs as he slips in his earbuds. I look away, my own face turning a shade of pink as I feel Sebastian's hand grab onto mine. "What are you doing?", I ask him as we put our seatbelts on. "I know you're afraid of flying". My heart skips a beat as he fully interlocks his hand with mine, gripping onto it. "You remembered", I whisper. "How could I forget?", he answers with a smile. When Leo and I were together, he never remembered anything. Not the small details and not the big ones either. I remember one time, he decided to surprise me with a date, to apologize for yelling at me, and he brought me on a plane that apparently his father owned. Needless to say I got very sick and almost passed out. He ended up getting mad at me for not telling him I was afraid of flying but I had told him, I know I did. He just never cared enough to listen to anything I had to say. But Sebastian cared. He cared more than anyone I've ever met, and that made me feel special.

"Just don't look out the window. Focus on me, okay?", he says softly. I gulp and nod my head, turning to look at him. The pilot announces our departure and my grip on Sebastian's hand tightens as my breathing becomes uneven. "Italia, look at me", he says. I feel my ears pop as I turn my head to look at him, my eyes wide. "You're okay, just keep your eyes on me". How could I take them away, I thought. "Is it almost over", I breathe. Sebastian notices my panicking and grabs my face, gently, so that I'm looking at him, and only at him. "Sebastian I can't. Is it over yet-"

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