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*a few weeks later*

We spent the whole week packing up Sebastian's house and all of the things he wanted to take with him to the new house. I barely had much to begin with and everything I owned was already moved into our new house so all that was left to do was transfer Sebastian's boxes into the moving truck. We did not end up getting the house we liked, however about a week ago we happened to go for a walk and saw an open house for a newly built house that was on the market. At first we weren't entirely interested, having just received bad news about the house we really wanted, but we decided to check it out nonetheless, and we ended up falling in love with it more than the original house we liked.

We immediately put in an offer and within days we received an answer that we got the house. It had everything we wanted and more. "Seb, there's one more box near the stairs but it's too heavy, do you mind grabbing it?", I ask him as I hoist another box in my arms. He nods his head and smiles as I walk outside to place the box in the back of the truck. "I can't believe we packed everything", he says as he comes to stand beside me. From the truck we can see just how empty the house is. I wrap my arms around his torso and smile. "Are you okay?", I ask him gently. "Better than okay", he says. I convince him to let me take a picture of him in the empty house one last time and then one outside. "No, no, you're going to be in this one", he says as he grabs me before I can run away. He asks a pedestrian to take the picture in front of the house and I smile as Sebastian pulls me closer to him. The man hands us back the phone and smiles. "What a beautiful couple the two of you are". We smile at one another and thank the man as he continues to walk down the sidewalk. "Ready?", I ask him as I reach out my hand. He takes one last look at the house and nods his head, grabbing my hand and walking towards the moving truck. We get in and I kiss his hand reassuringly as we drive away from his house, watching as it gets smaller and smaller.


"Seb? Where are you? We need to figure out what to do for supper. We have no food or appliances", I call out as I move a box near the stairs. The house was empty besides the boxes we brought in. We had absolutely no furniture in the house so it was either we go out to eat or order in and eat on the floor. The sun was already setting and I hadn't seen Sebastian for a while now since I was upstairs fixing our closet. I look all over the first floor and huff when I can't find him. I'm just about to head upstairs to look for him when I hear soft music playing outside. I follow the sound and my eyes widen as I slide open the glass door to the backyard. "Seb?", I call out. I step out and into the backyard as I place my hands on my mouth. The entire backyard was full of fairy lights and balloons. "What is this?", I ask in an amazed voice.

He smiles and meets me halfway, handing me a bouquet of colorful tulips. "They're beautiful", I smile as I hug him. "Wait here, okay?", he smiles nervously. I nod my head and laugh as he runs off to grab something. I see him setting up a camera and shake my head as I try and process what's happening. The entire backyard was glowing and it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. How did he manage to do this without me knowing? He runs back to me and nervously reaches into his pocket. He bends down on one knee and my eyes widen as realization hits me. He doesn't even say anything yet when I begin to cry.

"It hasn't even been a year but I knew right away that you were the one for me. Never in my life did I envision myself with someone as selfless, beautiful, kind, loving, intelligent and strong as you are. You leave me in awe everyday and I'm so proud of you. You're ambitious and brave and I admire you more than you'll ever know. You've made me the happiest I have ever been in all my years of living, and you're a true blessing in my life. I wasn't looking for you, but you came to me in one of the most unexpected ways almost a year ago and I thank God everyday that I got on that plane and sat beside you. Italia, you're the love of my life and I can't imagine not being with you forever. I want to do life with you, but I want to do it with you as my wife. So, Italia, will you marry me?", he says through tears.

I nod my head as I let out a sob, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Oh my God", I whisper. I pull away and wipe my eyes as I give him my shaky hand. He slips on the ring and I gasp as I actually see it for the first time. It was beyond beautiful. "I love you so much", I say as I jump in his arms. "The world is ours, beautiful", he says as he points to the sky. I smile and kiss him as he spins me around. He turns up the music and grabs me, holding my hand in his as he rests a hand on the small of my back. I rest my head on his chest as the lights shimmer around us. "I love doing life with you. It makes everything that much more enjoyable", I say as I look up at him. "You are my life, Italia, and you always will be", he says as he kisses me. I kiss him back and we continue to sway as the music plays in the background. I finally found my home, and that was Sebastian. He was my home.


The End!!!

Thank you guys for the continued support. I absolutely love writing and although this book isn't my proudest or my best work, I'm still forever happy that you guys stuck with me and continued to read it! I hope the ending was satisfactory. This book is more of a happy, unproblematic story, because after the year we've all had, we need some joy and positive vibes in our lives!

If you want to read other books from me just check out my page! I have a new Bucky Barnes story that is already published and a Loki book that is currently in the works and will be uploaded fairly soon!

Have a wonderful week!

- Sabrina

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