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I run around the kitchen island with a platter of food in my hands as Sebastian walks into the kitchen. "Babe, can you take a second to breathe", he says as he massages my shoulders. I set down the platter and move to the stove, dragging him with me. "Chris is going to be here any minute now and I need to prepare the food!", I say as I stir the pot in front of me. "Italia, he's one person, we don't need all of this food", he laughs. I give him a look and he stops laughing. "I don't know what he likes so I made a mix of things just incase", I say as I bring the platters on the table. "He eats anything", he says. The door rings and my eyes widen as I look at Sebastian. "The food looks great and so do you. Just relax. It's Chris, he'll love you" he reassures me. He kisses my head and leaves to go open the door. I'll be fine. It's great. It's just like when I met Anthony, just minus the dinner part. I hear them yell in the entrance and smile. Sebastian hasn't stopped talking about today and how he'd finally be able to see Chris again.

I take a deep breath and turn around as Chris and Sebastian walk into the kitchen. "Chris, I'd like you to meet Italia. Italia, this is Chris". I go to shake his hand but he pulls me into a hug. I hug him back and smile. "It's nice to finally meet you, Chris", I say when we pull away. "It's nice to meet you, too. I couldn't get this guy to shut up about you!", he says as he slaps Sebastian on the back. "Chris!", he whines as his face turns a shade of pink. "Well if it makes you feel any better, he hasn't been able to shut up about you either", I say as I turn off the stove. "Did you miss me?", Chris asks Sebastian. I snort as I bring the remainder of the food onto the table. "Like you didn't miss me", Sebastian taunts. We sit down at the table and we all fill up our plates. "So, Chris, how was the flight over?", I ask him. "It was good, not a big fan of flying", he says. "You see, Seb, I'm not the only one who doesn't like flying"

"Okay, but gripping onto the armrests and yelling "this is how I die", isn't normal", he says. Chris laughs and I kick Sebastian under the chair as he groans. "It's very normal, Seb. Right, Chris?", I ask him. Sebastian laughs and shakes his head, stopping Chris from saying anything. "Wait, before he answers, he's the worst person to be on a plane with. The last time I was on a plane with him, he had full body shivers and held my hand the entire plane ride". Chris smiles widely and tries to defend himself, and I nearly choke on my food as I drink my water. "So it's safe to say that if we ever travel, Chris and I would not be good together because we'd freak each other out even more", I laugh. Chris shakes his head and playfully punches Sebastian in the arm. We finish eating and I leave the boys alone to allow them to catch up while I wash the dishes and put everything away.

I grab dessert from the fridge and bring it on the table. "Chris, coffee?", I ask him. "Yes, please", he smiles. I nod my and walk back into the kitchen, already knowing Sebastian wants coffee. I turn on the coffeepot and wipe down the counters as I wait for the pot to fill up. The smell of coffee hits my nose and I sigh in content. I bring the coffee pot onto the table and fill up our cups. We talk for the rest of the night and then Chris leaves. When he's gone I turn to Sebastian hopefully. "So? Do you think he likes me?", I ask. "Absolutely. I told you, you're a very likeable person", he says as I close the hallway light. We head upstairs to change and as I brush my teeth I look at Sebastian, who's resting on the bed. I smile to myself and finish up in the bathroom. I shut the bathroom light and walk into our room, crawling onto the bed and into his lap as I kiss him. "You know, you inspired one of the characters in my book", I say as I look at him. He pushes my hair back and smiles. "Really?"

"Yeah. I mean, he's nowhere near as handsome and amazing as you are, but he comes fairly close", I smile as I play with the collar of his shirt. He laughs into my neck and squeezes me into a hug. "My God I hope we get that house", he says. We had found one house that we absolutely fell in love with but we were waiting to see if we got it or not. "I know, but remember, if it doesn't fall through, then it's because it wasn't meant to be and another house is out there for us", I say encouragingly. I move to my side of the bed and pull the covers over me as I look at him. "I can't believe how much has changed. One minute I'm packing up my entire life in a suitcase and traveling all over the world, and the next I'm dating the most handsome, down to earth and amazing man and buying a house with him, whilst launching a writing career"

He kisses the top of my head and leans back into his pillow. "Life has a funny way of working out, doesn't it?", he says as he holds my hand. "It sure does", I say as I close the lamp.


Happy mother's day to all the amazing mom's out there!! Sending all the wonderful and beautiful mom's around the world, no matter what form they take, whether it be a single mom, single dad, a mother to be, a woman longing to be a mother, those struggling with infertility, etc., so much love.

Also, I know this chapter is extremely short but I've found that writing this book has become extremely hard because I have no motivation and creativity flowing. I started off this book so strong and I feel like I've lost myself throughout the process of writing that book. There is going to be one chapter left after this one. I blame school for this. This has never happened to me and I feel terrible, but this semester has been one of the hardest, most stressful and overwhelming semesters of my life and I've never been as exhausted and mentally/physically drained in my life. I'm so incredibly sorry to everyone who's reading this book because I know how good it started and how the length and detail in the chapters have dwindled.

Again, thank you so much for all the support and appreciation. If you guys would like to check out my other work, which is much better since school is coming to an end soon, that would be so greatly appreciated. I have a new Bucky Barnes story that's published and I'm in the process of working on a Loki story that will be out very soon!

- Sabrina

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