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*six months later*

"I want to travel the world with you", I mumble into his chest. I feel him smile against my head as he kisses me. "I'd love nothing more than to travel the world with you, too", he whispers. He rocks the hammock slowly as we watch the sunset. The boys finished filming a long time ago, now, and Sebastian didn't have anything lined up for the next couple of months. Anthony went back home to be with his kids but we regularly text one another to see how we're doing. We left my parents' house about two or three weeks after we arrived and they were the best, most fulfilling weeks of my life. To have all of my favorite and most important people in one house, was a dream.

"I can't believe it's our nine month anniversary today", he says as I play with the emerald ring he gave me. "Can you believe it's almost been a year? How has it almost been that long?", I ask in shock. He shakes his head as he plays with my hair and I close my eyes, feeling a sense of peace. "I love you", he says. My smile widens as I crane my neck to look at him. "Well I doubt you love me as much as I love you", I say, knowing it drives him absolutely crazy when I say I love him more. "Bubba, we're not having this conversation again. We all know that I love you more", he says as he scrunches his nose. His nose scrunches were my favorite thing in the world.

"Fine, but I'm only letting you win because you're cute", I say as I plop back down onto his chest. The hammock swings softly as the warm breeze brushes over our tanned skin. Sebastian insisted we went on a couples retreat and it's the best decision we made. We had one week left in paradise but Sebastian insisted I come home with him. I didn't hesitate to say yes. We're in such a comfortable phase of our relationship, especially for me, and I don't mind the fact that our relationship is picking up its pace. "You know, my mom wants to meet you. She won't stop asking about you", he says as he runs his hand through my hair. "I'd love to meet her. I've been asking you for so long", I say as I feel giddy. I've been asking Sebastian to meet his mom for a while now, and I felt like it was only fair since he already met my parents. "I'll call her and set up a date. She's more excited to see you than she is to see me. And she hasn't seen me in months", he pouts. I laugh and kiss him to make him feel better. "I have something for you, stay here, okay?", I say as I get off the hammock. He sits up and fixes his hair as I walk backwards, a huge smile on my face. I run inside our small room and reach into my bag to grab a small black and white box.

I run back to Sebastian and he grabs me by my waist, helping me back into the hammock. "Okay, so I know you said you didn't want me to get you anything for our anniversary, but you know I never listen when you say that, so here", I smile as I hand him the box. He clicks his tongue and smiles, his eyes crinkling. He slowly opens the box and I nervously watch him. He pulls out the silver ring and looks up at me. "Look inside", I say as I nod towards the ring. He looks inside the band of the ring and he clears his throat, looking away. "Seb?". He looks back at me, his eyes becoming red. "Awe, bubba", I coo as he hugs me. "I love it", he whispers into my ear. Engraved on the inside was our initials and a quote. I'd travel the world with you. S & I. He slips it on and I sigh in relief as it fits him perfectly. "I'm never taking this off", he says as I wipe his eyes. I kiss him and rest my head back on his chest as he reaches for a blanket behind his head. He drapes it over us and holds me in his arms as the sky slowly turns dark.

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