Chapter 17 - Well, that was a year

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Clara's POV

I woke up with a start, blinking at the unfamiliar surroundings. I felt stiff all over, and my hand... I twisted to my right and saw it was in the grasp of another - Hermione's. I twisted it out carefully, then flexed my fingers - ah, that hurt... okay, not doing that again.

Across from me, I could see Colin Creevey, who looked in a similar state to me. I sat up, wincing slightly, before Madam Pomfrey came over.

"You need to rest, Miss Diggory, you haven't fully recovered yet -"

"What happened?" I asked her, my voice hazed with confusion. Her face was full of concern.

"My dear, don't you remember?" She asked me. I concentrated on what my last thoughts were, and -

I took in a sharp breath, before swinging my legs off of the bed. Madam Pomfrey stopped me, her face now stern.

"You need to rest," She insisted.

"No," I breathed. "No, I need to see Professor Dumbledore - now!"

"Professor Dumbledore isn't here," She said calmly, pushing me gently back onto the bed. "Now, you are my patient, so let me treat you."

Next to me, Hermione stirred. When Madam Pomfrey's full attention was on her, I quickly swung out of bed and dashed towards the door.

I collided with Draco, who caught me by the shoulders.

"What're you - Clara? What are you - you're awake!" He exclaimed, bringing me into a tight embrace. I ignored the way my heart rate picked up slightly, and drew back.

"Draco, I need to see Professor Dumbledore - or McGonagall - or someone!"

"Wait, shouldn't you be resting?"

"Well, yeah, but I'm fine, so -"

"Oh, no, you don't," He said, pulling me back towards the hospital wing.

"No, you don't understand, I know who's doing it! I know everything now, and I need to tell someone! Come on!" I insisted, tugging on his hand.

"Ugh, fine," Draco said, giving in. "But if you start to feel faint, or dizzy, or unwell in any way at all, then I am taking you back to the hospital wing."

I glared at him, but I supposed I was going to have to compromise.

Draco led the way to McGonagall's office, his arm around my shoulders supportively. He knocked on the door before pushing it open...

It seemed like someone had already beaten us to it, because the Weasleys were all there - including Ginny, I was relieved to see - plus Harry, McGonagall, and -

"I was told that you'd left!" I exclaimed to Dumbledore, who was standing with Fawkes resting on his shoulder. The Headmaster only smiled at me, before turning to Harry.

"What interests me most, if I will continue," He said gently, "Is how Lord Voldemort managed to enchant Ginny, when my sources tell me he is currently in hiding in the forests of Albania."

Enchant her? So, that would explain why she was doing it, and how, but - how?

"W-what's that?" Said Mr Weasley in a stunned voice. "You-Know-Who? En-enchant Ginny? But Ginny's not... Ginny hasn't been... has she?"

"It was this diary," Said Harry quickly, picking it up and showing it to Dumbledore. "Riddle wrote it when he was sixteen."

Dumbledore took the diary from Harry and peered at it.

Clara Diggory, Girl of Secrets - a HP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now