Chapter 5 - The Sorting

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I woke up on the first of September with apprehension and excitement. Today was the day, the day I started Hogwarts. I shot out of bed and rushed downstairs, just giving a brief “morning” to Mum before grabbing some toast on the kitchen table and running upstairs again. I almost ran into Cedric, stopping just before I ultimately crashed into him.

“Sorry,” I said quickly, hurrying back to my room, but he caught my wrist.

“Cedric, I need to get ready –”

“Relax. You've got plenty of time. I just wanted to say good luck.”

I smiled at my brother. “Thanks, Ricky. Now I really need to get ready –”

He chuckled and let go. I sprinted to my room quickly.

After I finished my toast, I brushed my teeth quickly, then splashed my face with water before getting dressed. I pulled on some jeans, then a purple T-shirt and a light green jumper. I brushed my hair quickly, then checked through my trunk.

Robes? Yep.

Books? Yep.

Quills and ink? Yep.

Wand? Yep.

Cauldron? Yep.

Owl? Wait... No, Harriet doesn't go in the trunk, I'm fine...

And so on.

I then pulled on some purple converses and grabbed my trunk, heading downstairs.

Once everything was in the car, we all got in. Cedric glanced at me on the journey, grinning.

“How much do you bet Fred, George and Ginny have all forgotten something?”

“Any amount,” I joked, smiling back.

When we got there, we all piled out of the car, as I grabbed my trunk and owl, Harriet. I hugged Cedric quickly, looking up at him.

“Have a good time at Durmstrang,” I said.

“And you, at Hogwarts,” He replied.

Dad patted me on the shoulder, then said, “Good luck, kiddo.”

I sighed, then glanced at my mum.

“Come on, then,” She said.

We entered King's Cross after Mum got me a trolley, then looked for Platforms 9 and 10. After approaching the barrier, I glanced up at her.

“Go on,” She said, “I'll be right behind you.”

Taking a deep breath, then looking around to check their weren't any Muggles watching, I ran at the barrier, closing my eyes...

And then opened them on Platform 9¾. I moved out the way as my mum made her way through after me. I walked up to the train, then hugged her goodbye.

“Love you, Clara,” She said to me.

“Love you too,” I murmured, not sure if I meant the words or not.

I got on the train and found an empty compartment easily, then sat and waited. It was nearly 11 o'clock before I spotted the red hair of my best friend.

“Ginny!” I shouted, opening the compartment door.

“Hey, Clara,” She said, sitting down next to me.

“Where are Harry and Ron?” I asked, as the train started to move.

“We don't know. We ran through the barrier just before them, but they never came through. I don't know what's happened to them,” Ginny answered, a worried look on her face.

Clara Diggory, Girl of Secrets - a HP fanficWhere stories live. Discover now