#2: Questions

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Upon entering the office, the first thing [Y/N] noticed was the lack of technology.

There was no computer on the desk, no wires anywhere, no wheeled bureau chair, no modern desk supplies. Hell, there wasn't even a lamp.

Instead, she was laying eyes on old fashioned quills, candles, and books that looked as old as time. Everything looked made out of wood.

Just where the fuck had she landed?

Was this the NGL? It could be. If it was, it made her situation all the more complicated. Getting out of there and making her way back to yorknew would prove long and difficult.

She hadn't mastered any communication spell yet, and her phone was nowhere to be seen. Apparently, someone had changed her out of her clothes to put some sort of beige tunic on her body. Right now, all she could count on was her nen.

Breathing deeply, she tried not to get anymore pissed off than she already was. Shit, what would Hisoka do?

In all honesty, he'd probably just kill them and figure out his way back once out of the building. He didn't have a habit of just killing people unprovoked, but it's not like he had any pity for anyone either. If someone tried to hold him down, they'd be dead the next second.

[Y/N] had thought about it, but something was holding her back. It wasn't empathy, no, but more of a feeling of curiosity towards these strange people. Something was telling her that killing them now would mess up things a great deal for her down the line. She'd been told to always follow her raw instincts; so that was what she was going to do.

"So, miss [Y/N], was it? Please take a seat," the blond man said.

The young woman sat down. "There's no need to call me 'miss'. [Y/N] is fine. I know you said my clothes had been damaged, but did my rings make it?"

"You're worried about rings, brat?" asked the corporal's disdainful voice.

"Yes," the young woman replied simply. "I'd like them back, if you don't mind. Also, don't call me that. If anything, you're more of a brat than me."

"Excuse the fuck out of me-"

"Levi," Erwin interjected. "Let it slide."

The man huffed, looking away.

"Your rings are right here," the blond said, pulling a little green fabric bag out of a drawer. "I apologize for taking them, but they looked very particular. They're extremely well-shaped and detailed, even for an artisan of Wall Sina. I hoped to study them."

Taking the bag, [Y/N] frowned. "It's quite audacious of you to take things from me."

"I'm the one who took them," declared the one that wore glasses, sheepish. "I wasn't going to let you sleep with them on, so I gave them to Erwin. Now if you would, we have questions-"

"No, I have questions. I want to know where I am," the young woman cut in.

This was starting to get dreadfully annoying.

"Haven't we told you?" asked the commander. "We are the survey corps. We assumed you knew we were in our headquarters."

"That doesn't tell me anything!" she exclaimed, frustrated. "What are the survey corps? Which country are we in? What walls do you keep talking about?"

Silence took over the room. [Y/N] met with three pairs of quizzical eyes, studying her and taking in every detail.

"You don't... know what the walls are?" asked Hange.

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