#3: Chaos

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Out of the 13 members present, no one in the phantom troupe could work out the words to react.

[Y/N] had disappeared, just like that. The mysterious nen ability had taken her away, and no one had any clue to where.

Hisoka's bloodlust was seeping out of him at an alarming rate.

"What was it that you said?~" he asked, his voice barely masking his anger. "I don't think anything bad will happen, so don't worry? Where's my apprentice, danchou? Surely you can find her."

"Calm down-"

"Calm down? I'm very calm~" he said, forcing a smirk while restraining the en he was emitting.

This wasn't the time to loose [Y/N]. He hadn't gotten the occasion to have his final fight with her. She was far from ripe enough.

Not only that, but he still needed her to get to Chrollo.

"I thought this was supposed to be harmless," stated Uvogin, frowning. "There's pieces of her clothes on the floor."

"There no blood," countered Feitan. "No blood, no hurt. We only need to find."

"Find how?" asked Shalnark. "I tried calling her cellphone, she's not picking up. It's probably broken, or it's been lost in the process."

"And we can't locate her anywhere near here with nen," added Franklin.

"[Y/N] strong. [Y/N] no danger. She come back soon."

"She might be too far for that Feitan," replied the leader. "It's not like our prisoner can help much either."

"What good is he if he's mute?" questioned Nobunaga.

"Maybe he knows sign language or something. Pakunoda can translate that for us." 

"God, with the auction and everything, this really wasn't the time for this," commented Machi. "Let's just go capture the guy's wife or something. She knows how it works, right? Why waste our time on the geezer?"

"You're right, Machi. You can-"

"Order who you want, danchou, but I will go regardless~" Hisoka cut in.

Chrollo looked at him, nodding in understanding.

He knew Hisoka was a free spirit. He always did what he wanted, not caring about anyone else's input. Even if he tried to stop him, it'd end up in a fight, and that really was too much trouble for nothing right now.

"Very well. Hisoka, I'll give you the address. Come back as soon as you have her," he ordered.

"Anything for you, boss~"

"I no like Hisoka," mumbled Feitan under his breath. "But danchou always let him do stuff."

"You'll get to torture her, lil' buddy. Stop complaining," Uvogin commented, only to earn himself a glare.

As the magician left the hideout, everyone tried to figure out where the hell [Y/N] could have possibly gone. A special nen space? A valued spot with hidden family treasure?

Everyone thought different. For the first time in a while, they felt kind of helpless.

Chrollo was sitting on his rock, book in hand, pondering about what he'd caused.

The moon was high in the sky that night.

The fresh wind of the forest was a good change of setting for her.

[Y/N] had been given one of their rather particular uniforms, and if she was to be honest, she thought it hugged her curves quite nicely. There was a sense of pride logo she was wearing emitted, one that she couldn't quite figure out yet, but it was definitely there. It went without saying that the wings of freedom were held with high regards by her hosts.

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