what happened with Juliet part 3

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we rung the bell veronica opened the door and she hugged me

V- hey B

V- hello jughead

B and J- hey veronica

V- come on in guys

and then we sat in the living room

V- so Betty what is it you sounded serious on phone

B- yeah it is

J- is archie here too it kind of involves talking to both of you

V- yeah he is in shower

while we were talking archie came out of their bedroom

A- hey guys

B- hey arch

V- archiekins betty and jughead wanted to talk about something

then he sat down on one couch with veronica and jughead and I were sitting on another couch

V- are you guys okay

V- is Juliet ok

J-actually it is about Juliet

B- and please guys could you let us speak without interrupting

they both nodded

B- so last night there was a party at Cheryl and tonis house thrown by sara for starting of summer break and Juliet went there and then she came home crying and then she told us Oliver was also there and she told us that Oliver raped her at the party

A and V- WHAT

V- what are you saying betty how could you accuse of our son of something like this

A- yeah he would do nothing like this

J- why do think that us and our daughter would lie something about this

A- kids need attention


I saw anger on jugs face

B- fine then call him and ask him

V- sure

A- Olly Olly

archie called him and then he came out of his room

O - oh hey aunt betty and uncle jug

A- olly betty and jughead are there to ask something

A- did you do something with jules last night

J- did you raped our daughter jules last night at party

O- well I wouldn't call it rape or what girls say sexual assault

he said casually eating chips

V- what do you mean by you wouldn't call it rape did she gave you consent before doing it

O- I mean is it important does it even matter

and then veronica slapped him


V- what did you do with my god daughter Oliver Fred Andrews

now he looked a little afraid

A- what did you do


O- ok well I was at party and there I met jules I was talking to her and she was drinking obviously I felt like she was giving me signals and then she went to washroom in guest room and when she came out I was waiting for her and then when I started doing it she kept shouting to stop and that's it after doing it I left her

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